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树木径向生长与气候要素之间的关系是树轮气候学研究的基础,而对不同海拔高度上树木径向生长与气候要素的关系研究.有助于更深入地理解树木生长与气候要素的关系.本文对国内外关于不同海拔高度的树木径向生长与气候要素的关系研究进行了总结.结果显示:在相同及相似气候区内,树木径向生长对气候要素的响应随海拔高度变化的趋势较一致.一般而言.森林上限树木径向生长往往与气温密切相关,森林下限树木径向生长与降水密切相关.在十分干旱的地区.上述结论却不一定适用,往往表现为无论森林上、下限,树木径向生长均主要受降水的影响;在水分条件较为充足的地区,亦会出现无论森林上、下限,树木径向生长均与气温的变化显著相关的现象.另外.研究轰明树木生长主要圣局域气候的影响.不同树种对气候因平酌响应鼻鼻不明罪. “,”The relationship between radial tree growth and climatic factors is the basis of dendroclimatology. Studying the responses of radial growth to climatic factors could contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between them. In this article, we summarized the researches on radial growth responses to climatic factors at different altitudes, and reached the conclusion that at the same and the similar climate zones, the variation of growth-climate responses is same when altitude changes. Usually, radial growth at the upper tree limit closely relates to temperature while precipitation effects those near lower timber line most. But in some regions of special climate patterns, the relationship is simple : in extremly arid areas, the limiting factor is always precipitaion regardless of altitude variations, and in humid conditions, temperature is critical to tree ring growth. Radial growth variability is primarily associated with local climate ehan~es and interspecific growth variations play an insignificant role.
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Previous experiments with organo-metallic compounds like ferrocene,nickelocene and magnesocene showed that a pure spectrum must be obtained on the residual gas
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本文介绍了利用泄漏中子角通量谱实验FNS[1-2],对CENDL-3.1b0版的14N全套中子评价数据进行宏观检验和改进的结果。检验工作比较了基于评价核数据库CENDL-2.1,3.0、3.1b0、 I