Geochemical characteristics and zones of surface snow on east Antarctic Ice Sheet

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ydlwxx
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The surface-snow geochemical characteristics are discussed on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, depending on the stable isotopes ratios of oxygen and hydrogen, concentra-tion of impurities (soluble-ions and insoluble micro-particle) in surface snow collected on the ice sheet. The purpose is to study geochemical zones on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and to research sources and transportation route of the water vapor and the impurities in surface snow. It has been found that the ratio coefficients, as S1, d1 in the equation dD = S1d18O + d1, are changed near the elevation 2000 m on the ice sheet. The weight ratio of Cl-/Na+ at the area below the ele-vation of 2000 m is close to the ratio in the sea salt; but it is about 2 times that of the sea salt, at the inland area up to the elevation of 2000 m. The concentrations of non-sea-salt Ca2+ ion (nssCa2+) and fine-particle increase at the interior up to the elevation 2000 m. At the region below the elevation of 2000 m, the impurity concentration is decreasing with the elevation increasing. Near coastal region, the surface snow has a high concentration of impurity, where the elevation is below 800 m. Combining the translating processes of wa-ter-vapor and impurities, it suggests that the region up to the elevation 2000 m is affected by large-scale circulation with longitude-direction, and that water-vapor and impurities in surface snow come from long sources. The region below the elevation 2000 m is affected by some strong cyclones acting at peripheral region of the ice sheet, and the sources of water and impurities could be at high latitude sea and coast. The area below elevation 800 m is affected by local coastal cy-clones. The surface-snow geochemical characteristics are discussed on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, depending on the stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen, concentra-tion of impurities (soluble-ions and insoluble micro-particles) in surface snow collected on the ice sheet. The purpose is to study geochemical zones on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and to research sources and transportation routes of the water vapor and the impurities in surface snow. It has been found that the ratio coefficients, as S1, d1 in the equation dD = S1d18O + d1, are changed near the elevation 2000 m on the ice sheet. The weight ratio of Cl- / Na + at the area below the ele-vation of 2000 m is close to the ratio in the sea salt; but it is about 2 times that of the sea salt, at the inland area up to the elevation of 2000 m. The concentrations of non-sea-salt Ca2 + ion (nssCa2 +) and fine-particle increase at the interior up to the elevation 2000 m. At the region the elevation of 2000 m, the impurity concentration Near coastal region, the surface snow has a high concentration of impurity, where the elevation is below 800 m. Combining the translating processes of wa-ter-vapor and impurities, it suggests that the region up to the elevation 2000 m is affected by large-scale circulation with longitude-direction, and that water-vapor and impurities in surface snow come from long sources. The region below the elevation 2000 m is affected by some strong cyclones acting at peripheral region of the ice sheet, and the sources of water and impurities could be be high latitude sea and coast. The area below elevation 800 m is affected by local coastal cy-clones.
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据《Communications News》1987年2月刊报道:在使用已确定的DES算法时,在对数据分组之前,Crypto—PAD x.25就进行敏感数据的加密了,在发送到主机或终端之前,接收端的Crypto
患者,男,25岁。因恶心、呕吐2d,伴腹部隐痛、畏寒发热1d,无尿20h入院。曾在当地医院按流行性出血热处理,病情无好转,于1989年3月7日转入我院。 Patient, male, 25 years ol
自“庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶”肇始,以浪漫主义手法来描写梦幻的文学作品,不绝如缕,源远流长。在数不胜数的“梦幻”作品中,李白的《梦游天姥吟留别》堪称扛鼎之作,被选入多种教材。如何把握其主题,是教学中的一个关键环节。本文试图对《梦游天姥吟留别》一诗的主题作一剖析。  《梦游天姥吟留别》又题《别东鲁诸公》。天宝三年(744)李白遭权贵谗毁,被赐金放还,开始再次漫游。他离鲁南游吴越,临行时留此诗向朋友们表白心情。
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