Analysis on Foreign Publicity Translation: from the Perspective of national image

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  Part One Introduction
  Giving an introduction of current and future developing tendency, the foreign publicity functions as a bridge between China and other countries through positively conveying information and spreading China’s concept of peaceful development.
  Part Two Overview on Foreign Publicity Translation
  2.1 Foreign Publicity Translation
  2.1.1 Purposes of Foreign Publicity Translation
  Firstly, the foreign publicity translation aims at showing our country to the world in a comprehensive and real way. The translator is expected to make spare efforts to have a detailed research of all issues or questions concerned by western presses so as to exert more positive impact on international opinions as well as to get rid of the overdo, inappropriate, or distorted reports which often prior to domestic official report. Secondly, the foreign publicity translation should target to demonstrate new progress and development made by China, thus to show national image with prosperity, peace and harmony. Last but not least, the foreign publicity translation intends to improve China’s speaking right towards global issues and to shape up national image. Improving the quality of foreign publicity translation stands for a breakthrough for the better national image and soft power. Being one of the purposes, national image closely relates to foreign publicity translation.
  2.1.2 Principles of Foreign Publicity Translation
  First, with the recognition of difference existing in the world, the translator should originate from information demand and thinking model of foreign receivers from the perspectives of custom and culture. Second, the foreign publicity translation is required to imply opinions or publicity intention in a report seemed as object, impartial and neutral so as to obtain trust from foreign readers and to comply with the public’s usual practice of receiving news. Its translation is supposed to do well in hiding the conclusion in whole passage of report, finally lead to an equal conclusion made by receivers after logical analysis. Third, the foreign publicity translation should orient to discourse. Only when discourse is regarded as the basic translation unit can it be translated into the original styles carried with most important meaning through conveying of author’s intention. With an overview of discourse, the translation version can be fluent enough by transforming language structure.
  Part Three Translation Strategies from the Perspective of National Image   3.1 Supplement
  Chinese, a language characterized by condensation and conciseness, more or less simplifies unnecessary messages. Supplying the complete and accurate information can greatly narrow the understanding gap between speaker and reader, thus to demonstrate our position and attitude, consequently to build up our national image.
  3.2 Rewriting
  On the premier of catching main idea and spirit, rewriting tends to be more flexible and richer including in changing in expression form, condensing the content, switching the view, shifting cultural intention, and so on.
  3.3 Pragmatic Implication
  Phrases are equipped with implication which is implicit and literary meaning which is explicit. It is much more suitable to express the implication of specific words during translation process. Combined with the context throughout the whole text, the translator should be careful of the selection of English phrases sharing similar meaning in Chinese.
  3.4 Pragmatic Integration
  Under the guidance of correct recognition, the translator can be freed from the original form, thus to reorganize them to make clear the information and pragmatic intention, finally to seek for the equivalence in pragmatic effect. Staging our spirit to the whole world, it can show our great efforts towards the construction and rejuvenation, as a result, it will give listeners an excellent impression on our national image.
  3.5 Pragmatic Adaptation
  As an activity for information exchange, application effect occupies a priority on language communication. The adoption of expression form, which follows up the target language, is favorable to expression of thought and implication in a more effective and accurate way.
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【摘要】:茌平剪纸是山东聊城市的汉族民间工艺,以其豪放、朴拙的独特风格和浓厚的乡土气息 在民间剪纸艺术中自成一派,具有线条豪放、形式朴素、乡土气息浓厚的特点。各种各样的花鸟人物,形象传神,栩栩如生。民间艺人用其朴素的手法将纸剪出丰富多彩的画面,其技艺代代相传。  【关键词】:文化创意产业化;剪纸文化创意产业化;剪纸文化;发展模式  作为民间剪纸艺术的重要组成部分——山东地区剪纸,因其独特的形式与特
【摘要】:作为研究脑的语言加工常用的脑电成分,事件相关电位成分N400通常被看作语义加工的指标。因其能有效考察语言加工的各方面,在语言理解中得到广泛运用。本文目的在于梳理其发展历程,阐明其成分特性,简介其研究范式、影响因素及相关理论模型等,以期对此成分作深入了解,展现其研究概貌。  【关键词】:N400;语义加工;综述  1 N400简介  1980年,Kutas和Hillyard(1980)最先
什么是中国,也许本不该是一个问题,很多时候我们把“中国”当成一个理所当然的前提,对“中国”本身,很少去思考,但是谈到中国历史,谈到中国的民族,不得不认真对待,就中国一词的概念,葛兆光先生总结道:中国一词先后有五种涵义,前四种是从地理来定义,第五种是从族群和文化的角度来定义。  在研究中国历史上,传统方法都是以汉族为中心向外辐射的中国论述,此外还有关于地方区域史、边疆史、少数民族政权的研究,更多的放
【摘要】:文化作为战略的底蕴和根基,对一个国家、民族战略行为的影响是深刻和无处不在的,因此也一直为我党我军所关注。《中央军委关于大力发展先进军事文化的意见》明确指出了发展我军先进军事文化的战略使命。加强我军军事文化建设研究,对于贯彻党和中央军委的有关精神,对大力发展我军先进军事文化,积极推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣具有积极意义。  【关键词】:新军事文化;继承;创新  一、在继承我国传统文化中汲取
【摘要】: 网络语言以其约定成俗的符号系统和简洁、生动的表现形式,在为人们提供便捷交流同时也蕴涵着丰富的情感信息,在国际语言交流中发挥着重要的作用,已成为国际网络营销和网络舆情分析中极为关注的对象。本文从情感认知特征角度对国际网络语言的符号信息作了分类,以汉语、英语和西班牙语为例对国际网络语言的情感表达模式作了分析,提出了国际网络语言情感认知的神经机制模型,并研究了不同符号信息的情感认知过程特性。
【摘要】:本文通过对黎锦熙的《新著国语文法》、吕叔湘的《吕叔湘选集》和刑福义的《刑福义选集》三本书中,关于现代汉语中的词和词类划分部分的阅读分析,浅显地指出了笔者较为认同的词的概念以及词类划分的基本方法。  【关键词】:现代汉语;词;词类划分  一、三位学者对现代汉语中的词和词类划分的观点  (一)内容提要  黎锦熙在《新著国语文法》中指出“就语词在语言组织上所表示的各种观念的性质,分为若干种类,
参考文献:  [1]王福祥,吴汉樱.文化与语言[M].北京: 外语教学与研究出版社,2000  [2]李建军.文化翻译论[M].上海:复旦大学出版社,2010  [3]李珍洁.跨文化交际中的维汉词义理解[D].新疆师范大学,2008,(6)  [4]马德元.跨文化交际中的维汉词义理解[J].双语教育研究,2014,(6)  [5]史震天,马维汉,张玮,陈世明,艾合迈德·叶合雅.维汉翻译教程[M].
【摘要】:汉语中多数词缀是词根虚化的产物。“头”作为现代汉语中较典型后缀之一,经历了长期的语法化过程。后缀“头”语义多样、功能繁多,但也因此增加了确定“头”是否完全虚化为词缀的难度,而学界对“头”的性质问题的探讨也从未停止过。本文以后缀“头”为研究对象,首先对“头”的语法化过程进行描述,继而对“头”的性质进行考查,最后从语义、语法和语用三方面对后缀“头”的功能做一个详尽的阐释。  【关键词】:头;