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一、西北局关于整顿干部作风的指示,完全适合陕西的情况,我们一年来在西北局正确领导下,对接管新区、剿匪、肃特、反霸、生产、救灾等项工作收到不少成效。但因形势迅速开展,大批新干部未能给以系统的教育;老干部中,不少同志既不善于掌握新的情况,又因胜利而产生骄傲自满情绪,以致在领导中的官僚主义,和下边执行工作中的命令主义,得以滋长蔓延,因而破坏政策,打骂群众,以至违法乱纪等现象相当普遍存在,大大妨礙了党内外的团结,损害了党的信誉。老区有不少干部的疲蹋不振,以致滋长着倒退回家思想。所有这些正是我们当前的最大危险。因此,西北局指示「迫切要求我们在党中央的统一领导下进行一次严格整顿全党作风,首先是整顿干部思想作风的运动。达到密切联系群众,贯彻政策,做好工作的目的。」是非常正确而必要的。我们必须清醒的认识,只有将干部中这种严重的不良思想作风给以纠正,才有可能随着形势的发展 First, the instructions of the Northwest Bureau on rectifying the work style of cadres are completely suitable for the situation in Shaanxi. In the past year, under the correct leadership of the Northwest Bureau, we received a great deal of achievements in taking over the new districts, suppressing bandits, Sudarsk, hegemony, production and disaster relief. . However, because of the rapid development of the situation, a large number of new cadres failed to give systematic education. Among veteran cadres, many comrades are neither good at grasping the new situation nor proud and complacent because of their victory, leading to bureaucratism in the leadership and the following The order doctrine in the implementation work has been able to proliferate and spread. Therefore, the phenomena of undermining the policies, calling the masses and even violating the law and discipline are quite commonplace, greatly hindering the solidarity inside and outside the party and undermining the party’s credibility. There are many cadres in the old districts who have been languishing and have regressed their thoughts of returning home. All this is our greatest danger at the moment. Therefore, the Northwest Bureau instructed that “we urgently require us to conduct a campaign of strictly straightening out the party’s work under the unified leadership of the party Central Committee, first and foremost in order to rectify the ideological style of cadres and achieve the goal of maintaining close contact with the masses, implementing policies and doing a good job.” Correct and necessary. We must clearly understand that only by correcting such serious and unhealthy ideological workmanship in the ranks of cadres is it possible that as the situation develops