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《墙上的斑点》给读者留下强烈的印象后,却未能给读者留下重新梳理的清晰线索,或者说它给读者留下诸多强烈印象中,最深刻的则是它迷宫一般的讲述过程和令人难以琢磨的人生冥想。因而好多读者要么因过程的难以梳理而否认过程背后的人生思索,要么因看不到作者对人生的深刻思索而 The “spot on the wall” left a strong impression on the reader, but failed to give readers a clear clues to re-sort, or leave it to readers a lot of strong impression, the most profound is the maze of the general description Process and meditative life contemplation. So many readers either because of the process of combing and deny the process behind the life thinking, or because they can not see the author’s profound thinking of life and
We usually think of chocolate as a sweet treat, but it began as a bitter drink!rnIn ancient Latin America, chocolate was wor-shipped(崇拜). It was believed that
美国的一家餐厅禁止五岁以下儿童入内,引得大众议论纷纷After receiving several complaints(投诉) from customers, Carusos, an Italian restaurant in North Carolina, ha
How do people celebrate our friendship with animals? Lets take a trip around the worldIn NepaOn the second day of the Tihar Festival,the dogs are aded with garl
最新世界大学排名榜出炉:中国大陆7所高校进前200名  英国夸夸雷利·西蒙兹咨询公司(QS)9月16日发布最新世界大学排名榜,美国麻省理工学院连续第三年位居榜首。QS所发布的年度
When we were younger, we were polar opposites (截然不同) in everyones eyes. You were tall and I was small. You were beautiful and I was plain. The fact that you
We know that sometimes animals have unusual friendships. Maybe its environment that makes them together or they just happen to find a friend from another specie