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慈母情人的嘴唇所能发出最甜美的字眼儿,就是母亲;世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤;人世间最美丽的情景是出现在我们回忆母亲的时候。母亲去世很多年了,但她却无时无刻出现在我的思绪中,伴我左右。祖父家住在细河西岸。原本殷实富裕的人家,因为有人染上大烟,慢慢日子过得一天不如一天,田地财物都随着烟雾飘向空中了。民国三年,母亲出生在这个家庭。虽然家境大不如前,没了长工用人,吃喝用度还是蛮宽绰的。母亲是外祖父最小的闺女,舅舅们成家又早,从小衣食无忧,应 The sweetest word that Mother’s lover’s lips can produce is the mother. There is one of the most beautiful voices in the world. That is the call of the mother. The most beautiful scene in this world is when we recall our mother. Mother died for many years, but she is always in my thoughts, with me around. Grandfather lived in the West Bank. People who were well-off and wealthy, because some people were infected with big smokes and slowly passed their days better than one day. All the farmland property was drifting into the air with the smoke. In the three years of the Republic of China, her mother was born in this family. Although the family is not as good as before, no long-term employment, eating or drinking is quite generous degree of use. Mother is the youngest grandfather girl, uncle and married, early childhood carefree, should
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