土壤水分能量概念及应用讲座 第一讲 土水势

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编者按:土壤水的研究,已有一百年的历史。经历了由经验到理论、由静态到动志、由定性到定量、由宏观到微观逐步深入发展的过程。目前,土壤水分能量理论在农业生产上的应用,国内外正在兴起。为了使这一理论更好地为农业生产服务,特请杨金楼副教授编写此讲座。意在系统的介绍土壤水分能量理论的基本概念、测定方法及在农业上的应用。共分九讲:即土水势;土壤持水特性,土壤水分常数和水分分类;土壤孔隙分布、蒸发强度及引力上升;土水势的测定方法;土壤水的运动:土壤—水分—植物—大气连续系统:张力计在农田灌溉上的应用:不同土壤适宜水分及其排灌水指标。 Editor’s Note: Soil water research, has a hundred years of history. Has experienced from experience to theory, from static to move Zhi, from qualitative to quantitative, from macro to micro and gradually deepen the development process. At present, the application of soil moisture energy theory in agricultural production is rising at home and abroad. In order to make this theory a better service for agricultural production, we invited Yang Jinlou associate professor to write this lecture. Intended to systematically introduce the basic concepts of soil moisture energy theory, determination methods and agricultural applications. It is divided into nine parts: that is, soil water potential, soil water holding capacity, soil moisture constant and water classification, soil pore distribution, evaporation intensity and gravity rise, determination of soil water potential, soil water movement, soil-water content, System: Application of Tensiometer in Farmland Irrigation: Suitable Index of Soil Moisture and Irrigation and Drainage for Different Soils.
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