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  Failure is the mother of success
  ——Errors analysis in English Composition
  Geng Yang
  【Abstract】This paper is a study of the students' errors in their compositions in senior Grade one. Short though it is, the composition may show us what difficulties the students have when they output the language in written form in this stage, and what learning strategies they are employing when they have trouble acquiring the target language. What the study attempts to do is to discover some common characteristics in the students' compositions and tries to enrich our understanding of error analysis.
   【Key words】compositions; error analysis; inter-lingual errors; intra-lingual errors
  Analysis of Errors Occurring in the English
  Composition Written By Junior High School Students
   1. Introduction There are four skills in language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Among these four skills, writing is usually considered to be the last acquired skill because it is the most difficult. It is important for students to develop their ability to write in English. English composition is one of the ways to show students' comprehensive competence to use English. Analyzing a student's English composition can assess vocabulary, grammar as well as sentence structure. Although writing is an output activity, it can reflect how well the language skills have been input. In this sense, writing is considered to be one of the most effective means to reflect the learner's input of language skills.
   2. Literature review
   2.1 The significance of error analysisError analysis, as the term suggests, is study and analysis of errors and is confined to the language learner. However, here “errors” refers generally to the learner's misuse or misunderstanding of the target language, may it be grammatical or pragmatic(Hu Zhuanglin,2001) . It can be further explained in three different aspects: First, the errors can tell the teacher how much progress the learner has to make in order to reach the goal. It can also tell the teacher what remains for the learner to learn. Second, they provide evidence for the researcher. The researcher will know how language is learnt and what strategies or procedures the learner is using in his language learning. Third, they are indispensable to the learner himself, because the making of errors can be regarded as a device the learner uses in order to learn.
   2.2 The theory of error analysis
   2.2.1 Definition of errorsWhat is an error? Error is the grammatically incorrect form; Mistake appears when the language is correct grammatically but improper in a communicational context. While errors always go with language learners, mistakes may also occur to native speakers(Hu Zhuanglin, 2001).
   It is necessary for us to know the difference between errors and mistakes. Corder claims that errors reveal the learner's incomplete knowledge of the language, or as we may call it, the learner's transitional competence while mistakes are the product of the chance circumstances such as memory lapses, lack of attention, tiredness, carelessness, etc. This also provides a reason why some linguists say the making of errors in a necessary part of learning while mistakes are of no significance to the learning process.
   2.2.2 Error sourcesResearchers have been attempting to investigate the sources of learner errors and have come to various conclusions. There are four major categories of errors (James, 2001): Inter-lingual errors, intra-lingual errors, communication strategy-based errors, induced errors. The major sources of errors in the study are inter-lingual errors and intra-lingual errors. Inter-lingual errors result from language transfer, that is, is caused by the learner's native language.
   2.2.3 Methodology of error analysisCorder (1974) also identified five stages for error analysis as follows:
   (1) Collection of a sample of learner language.
   (2) Identification of errors.
   (3) Description of errors.
   (4) Explanation of errors.
   (5) Evaluation of errors.
   2.3 The theory of language transfer.
   2.3.1 DefinitionLanguage transfer, also called cross-linguistic influence, is one of the key factors contributing to learner's inter-language. In the 1950s, transfer is understood within the behaviorist framework and to happen between two languages, that is, transfer happens between L1 and L2. In Lado's view, transfer is associated with habits. He adopts the term 'transferred habits' (1957) and suggests that linguistic difference indicates linguistic difficulty and negative transfer. Under such concept of transfer, transfer is often referred to as (L1) interference.
   Odlin (1989), another dominant figure who has achieved remarkably in the study of transfer, furthers the concept of transfer by suggesting that transfer is not a falling back on mother tongue and there is likely to be a third language influencing second language learning. Chen Daliang(2006) quotes a working definition of transfer by Odlin : “Transfer is the influence resulting from similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously (and perhaps) imperfectly acquired .”
   This working definition provides an adequate basis for the material to be discussed in this thesis.
   2.3.2 Classification of language transferThere have been different classifications of transfer from different perspectives. From the perspective of the effect transfer has on second language acquisition, transfer is divided into positive transfer and negative transfer. In the view of Lado and his followers, language learners attempt to transfer the features of their mother tongue to the second language. When the structures of the two languages are similar, we can get positive transfer. When the two languages are different in structures, negative transfer occurs and results in errors (Hu Zhuanglin, 2001).
   3. Data collection
   3.1 SubjectFifty-seven subjects were selected to write the composition among the high school students in Urumqi Foreign Language School Middle. The subjects are from class 8, Grade2.Their ages range from thirteen to fifteen. All of them have had the experience of 3 years of English learning with Chinese being their native language. They have five English classes every week. The textbooks they are using are senior English for China student's book (People Education Press). They have learned simple sentence structures, basic grammar and some useful expression. All of them are provided to the subjects in the form of Chinese words or pictures.
   3.2 Choice of title for the CompositionAll the subjects were asked to write the composition in the classroom. To ensure the reliability of the results, none of them were informed of the experiment beforehand. They were required to write in the same length (about 80-100 words) during the same period of time (30 minutes). They were given a topic: “My Winter Holiday”.
   3.3 Design principleConsideration of syllabus requirement
   According to the senior high school English teaching syllabus (2000) by the Education Department of the People's Republic of China, some of the requests of writing skill are described as the following: (1) students can make simple sentences with words, phrases and patterns they have learned without serious spelling mistakes and grammar errors. (2) Students can write letters, notes, announcements, and fill in some simple forms without serious errors. (3) A composition of about 100 words can be finished within 30 minutes. The meaning should be expressed as clearly as possible and language errors should be avoided. From the requests, it is obvious to find that the writing level of the students in senior high school is at the primary stage. In this case it is less likely that errors in pragmatics and errors caused by the different cultural backgrounds would occur whereas errors on the levels of substance and text would be committed, substance errors refer to misspellings and text errors mean lexical-grammar ones. This thesis will focus on the errors on the level of lexical-grammar.
   4. Analysis of the data
   4.1 Inter-lingual errorsAs mentioned in the theoretical part, inter-lingual errors refer to learners that are not familiar with the grammar rules of the target language, and they just depend on their mother tongue. Students may confuse the usage of certain elements under the influence of Chinese, for example: errors in articles and errors in agreement. There are no such complicated systems in Chinese.
   4.1.1 Errors in Article:Article is a word used with a noun to show whether the noun refers to a particular example of something (the definite article-“the” in English) or to a general or not already mentioned example of something (the indefinite article-“a” or “an” in English). In English “a” is used before a word beginning with a consonant sound; “an” before a word beginning with a vowel sound. “a” and “an” are used only before singular countable nouns. “The” can be used before singular or plural nouns whether countable or uncountable (Zhang Zhenbang, 1999). There is no exact equivalent to the article in the Chinese language. In Chinese we usually use “這个”, “那个”, “一个”, “两个” to express. According to the investigation made in this thesis, there are totally 35 article errors in the data. These errors can be divided into 3 types.
   A. Omit necessary articles
   (1) Spring Festival is during the winter holiday.
   The Spring Festival is during the winter holiday.
   (2) I bought suit for my mother.
   I bought a suit for my mother.
   (3) I took a course in EF school to practice English speaking.
   I took a course in an EF school to practice English speaking.
   B. Insert unnecessary articles
   (4) I'll get up at the 7:00 clock
   I'll get up at 7:00 clock
   (5) I have a breakfast at 8:30
   I have breakfast at 8:30
   C. Confusion of the use of definite and indefinite articles.
   (6) 2006, the New Year, comes to us when a clock strikes 12:00.
   2006, the New Year, comes to us when the clock strikes 12:00
   4.1.2 Errors in synonymsSynonymy is the technical name for the sameness relation (Hu Zhuanglin, 2001). English is said to be rich in synonyms. When they meet several words have the same meaning in Chinese, they just pick one casually. There are 40 synonym errors in the data. Take some typical errors in synonym usage for example:
   (7) My math is very bad.
   My math is very poor.
   (8)They and I looked a film
   They and I saw a film.
   (9) I wish I have a happy time.
   I hope I have a happy time.
   4.1.3 Errors in tenseThe verb in Chinese can be used to show what took place in the past, what is going on now and what has been done. In English inflections can be seen everywhere. Chinese verbs cannot signify the time while English ones can (Ren Xueliang, 1981). In Chinese, we usually use “著”, “了”, or “过” to reflect tense, and sometimes we use “昨天”, “今天”, or “明天” to reflect tense. The form of the verbs never changes. For example:
   (10) We couldn't usually go out, because the weather is very cold (was)
   (11) I relaxed and have new power on my body. (Had)
   In sentence (10), when the author wrote this sentence, he described the weather in the past. “is” should change the form.. Because in Chinese verbs always stay the same. In sentence (11) the author use past tense at the beginning of the sentence, he forget to change the form of “have”.
   4.1.4 Errors in agreementAgreement is the logical relationship between points of speech in a sentence. There can be no good, clear sentences without agreement. Agreement of subject and verb is the heart of the good sentence. There are three principles guiding subject - verb agreement: Principles of grammatical agreement, notional agreement, and proximity with grammatical agreement being the basic principle, which requires the verb to match its subject in number (Zhang Zhenbang, 1999). Such a difference may lead to the negative influence of Chinese on the learners' command of syntactic agreement in English, which can give best illustration in following examples:
   (12) She never give up. (gives)
   (13) Our holidays was over. (were)
   In sentence (12), “she” is singular; the verb “give” should take the singular form by adding the suffix “-s”. There is no such a kind of rule in Chinese. In sentence (13), “holidays” is plural; the verb should take the plural form “were”. There is no such a kind of rule in Chinese.
   4.2 Intra-lingualErrors result from faulty or partial learning of the target language, rather that from language transfer. Some of errors are caused by careless such as spelling errors. Some of errors are caused by poor memory such as preposition errors.
   4.2.1 Errors in spellingsSuch errors are of common occurrence in beginner's writings and easy to overcome. For example:
   (14) Through I had bad results. (Though)
   (15) It was quiet a long time. (quite)
   In sentence (14), these two words looks similar, but their meanings are completely difference. “Through” means in at one side, end, or surface of something and out at the other. “Though” means in spite of. In sentence (15), these two words' meanings are completely difference. “Quiet” means with little noise. “Quite” means rather. From the above explanations, we can see that we should memorize words accuracy. Otherwise the meaning will be completely difference.
   Second, when they write compositions, they are careless instead of don't know.
   (16) Familes members get together. (Families)
   (17) We began to enjoy this winte holiday. (Winter)
   Errors in spellings were not caused by our mother tongue; most of them were caused by pronunciation and carelessness. This kind of errors is very easy to overcome if students are very careful.
   4.2.2 Prepositions are words used with noun (or noun equivalents) to show the relation in which these nouns stand to some other word in the sentence(Eckersley, C.E.& Eckersley, J.M, 1960) As English is an analytic language, prepositions play a large part in its structure and are the cause of many difficulties to us. Little guidance can be given in any grammar book as to which preposition is the right one to use, for there is no logical reason why one is right in certain contexts and another one is wrong. Idioms-in which prepositions are frequently concerned-are peculiarities of language whose “rightness” or “wrongness” is based on usage, not on logic. There are 49 preposition errors in the data; these errors can be divided into 2 types:
   A. Preposition omitted
   (18) I played fireworks during the winter vocation. (played with)
   (19) I got rid of the bad habit of getting late. (get up)
   In sentence (18), the author thinks we can say “ play basketball” “plays football”. As to firework, he thinks we can say play firework. It's wrong; we should say play with fireworks. In sentence (19), “get” cannot make sense. ‘Get up’ is a fixed phrase.
   B. Wrong preposition
   (20). I saw that the smile in my mother's face. (on)(21). I had a good time in the winter holiday. (during)
   In sentence (20), this is a fixed usage “on one's face”. In sentence (21), 'In indicates a period of time. “During” indicates duration of time. Here, we should use during.
   5. Suggestions From above analysis, we have found that those writing errors reveal the common problems shared by the senior middle school students. When they write English composition, in what aspect he is weak and in what aspect he is strong. From the standpoint of the teacher, his task is not only correct students' errors but also help students summarize the causes of making these errors. In this way, students may aware of these errors.
   6. Conclusion In second language learning, errors are inevitable, and no matter what great efforts we might make, error will always occur.
   This paper first classifies the errors in Urumqi high school students' compositions into two levels - Inter-lingual and Intra-lingual errors, and then analyzes the possible causes in the process of accessing the target language; finally, some suggestions about English teaching are put forward.
   Finally, the limitation of the study should be pointed out. The samples only show a partial picture of all the errors students make in their compositions. In addition, the author's limited ability. Therefore, more work should be done in the future to solve these problems.
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每每中考临近时,许多考生都出现了高原反应,面对一大堆英语教材和复习资料总是发呆,有种什么都想看但又什么都看不下去的感觉。这种现象产生的主要原因是:1)英语学习中的问题太多,无从下手;2)总想找捷径,在最后一段时间内没有明确的复习计划和步骤;3)对短期内采取哪些措施在中考中成效最大,认识不足。下面是笔者的几点建议。   1. 有计划、有步骤地复习中考词汇 词汇复习就是在复习基础知识和基本技能
语文课堂教学是老师学生的互动活动,同时,也是特定意义上的特殊人际交往,既在进行知识传授,又在进行情感交流。因此,适时地激发学生的情感,对唤起学生学习语文的兴趣、提高学生语文综合素养是行之有效的方法。    1. 多样导入,激发学生兴趣 良好的开端是成功的一半。恰当又精彩的新课切入,可以立即把学生的情绪调动起来,把学生引领到课堂教学的相关内容中去。教师在具体教学中,只要是能调节学生情绪,
《小学语文新课程标准》指出,语文是重要的交际工具,是人类文化的重要組成部分。在语文教学过程中,学生们知识的获得,智力的开发和能力的发展,情感、意志的培养以及思想品德的提高,都需要通过学生的积极思考和实践活动以实现教学目标和“课改”要求。因而我们要重视语文,努力提高课堂教学实效。那么,怎样才能提高语文课堂教学的实效性呢?笔者认为可以在以下两方面下工夫:   1. 深钻教材,换位思考 课前
【摘要】本文对如何提高高中政治新课改课堂效果提出了看法和建议。   【关键词】教学内容;教学方式;教学评价;教师素质   高中新课程理念倡导的政治教学,尤其突出强调培养学生自主学习的能力,获取新知识的能力,分析和解决问题的能力以及交流与合作的能力。这就使课堂教学注定要从封闭走向开放,从单一走向多元,为培养学生的创新精神和实践能力提供广阔的空间和平台。而大多数教师的教育教学方法陈旧,课堂效
【摘要】高中生自制力强,学习比较主动。怎样尽可能的提高学生在课堂上的学习效率?本文从教学目标、重点难点、现代化教学手段、教学方法等方面做了以下阐述。   【关键词】数学;教师;教材;学生   要教好高中数学,首先要求自己对高中数学知识有整体的认识和把握;其次要了解学生的认知结构;再次要处理好课堂教学中教师的教和学生的学的关系。课堂教学是学生在校期间学习文化科学知识的主阵地,也是对学生进行
【摘要】高中的学生对历史问题的理解和知识的接受能力都有了一定的基础。这一时期正是历史学科培养学生阅读习惯,训练阅读能力的最佳年段。教师应抓住契机,有意识有计划按步骤地利用课堂教学教给学生科学的阅读方法与技巧,并使之形成良好习惯,由被动学习变为主动学习。   【关键词】细读;讨论;思考归纳   高中的学生已经有三年历史学习的经验和知识的积累,对历史问题的理解和知识的接受能力都有了较大提高。
身为第一线的科任老师,从课改理念的学习,到深入课堂进行课改实验,我从中受益匪浅,可以说在数学教学中有得也有失。下面我从得与失两方面来进行教学反思如下:   1. 要有明确的教学目标 教学目标分为三大领域,即认知领域、情感领域和动作技能领域。因此,在备课时要围绕这些目标选择教学的策略、方法和媒体,把内容进行必要的重组。备课时要依据教材,但又不拘泥于教材,灵活运用教材。   2. 要