加快水利水电事业的发展 更好地为边疆经济和社会发展服务

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西双版纳建州以来,特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,在州委、州政府的领导下,在上级各有关部门的关心、支持下,经过边疆各族人民及工程技术人员积极努力,艰苦奋斗,多方面增加投资,全州水利水电建设发展较快。截止一九九四年底,全州已建成水利工程4390件,其中:建成中型水库5件,总库容1.13亿立方米;小(一)型水库25件,总库容7000万立方米;小(二)型水库及小坝塘258件,总库容4100万立方米,以上蓄水工程288件,总计库容2.24亿立方米;引水工程3702件,全长613公里,其中:1秒立方米以上23件,0.3秒立方米至1秒立方米61件,0.3秒立方米以下引水工程3618件;建成乡(镇)供水和农村人畜饮水工程400余件,解决了20.93万人和10.99万头大牲畜饮水困难问题。各类水利工程年供水能力已达6.7亿立方米,使50.65万亩农由得到了有效的灌溉,为增强农业后劲奠定了良好的基础。全州水利化程度已达33%,水利工程还为水力发电、工业用水、城乡人民生活提供了水源。 全州已建成水电站46座,总装机容量6万千瓦,年发电量1.7亿度,全州一市两县四十个乡镇和十一个国营农场全部通电,198个村公所,60个办事处,2095个自然村的通电率已达81%;再建拉达勐水库配套电站装机1.26万KW;流沙河四级站装机8000KW,将分别于1995年底至1996年四月份建成投产,? Since Xishuangbanna became a state, especially since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, under the leadership of the state party committee and state government and with the care and support of the relevant departments at the higher levels, it has made active efforts through the people and engineering technicians of the frontier ethnic groups. We have worked hard to increase investment in many aspects, and the state’s water conservancy and hydropower construction has developed rapidly. By the end of 1994, 4,390 water conservancy projects had been completed in Quanzhou, including: 5 medium-sized reservoirs with a total capacity of 113 million cubic meters; 25 small (1)-type reservoirs with a total capacity of 70 million cubic meters; 258 types of reservoirs and small dam ponds, total storage capacity 41 million cubic meters, the above water storage project 288, a total storage capacity of 224 million cubic meters; diversion works 3702, a total length of 613 kilometers, of which: 1 second cubic meters above 23 , 0.3 cubic meters to 1 second cubic meters, 61, 0.38 cubic meters below the water diversion project 3618; built township (town) water supply and rural drinking water engineering more than 400 pieces, solved 209.3 thousand people and 1099 large livestock drinking water Difficulties. The annual water supply capacity of various types of water conservancy projects has reached 670 million cubic meters, effectively irrigating 506,500 acres of agricultural land and laying a good foundation for enhancing agricultural development. The degree of water conservancy in the entire state has reached 33%. Water conservancy projects also provide water for hydroelectric power generation, industrial water use, and urban and rural life. The state has built 46 hydroelectric power stations, with a total installed capacity of 60,000 kilowatts, and an annual power generation capacity of 170 million kilowatt-hours. All forty townships and one state-owned farm in one prefecture, two counties and one county are energized, and 198 village offices and 60 offices are established. The electricity rate of the 2095 natural villages has reached 81%; the installed capacity of the Ladayu Reservoir supporting power station is 12,600KW; the installed capacity of the Liushahe 4th Station is 8000KW, which will be completed and put into operation from the end of 1995 to April 1996 respectively.
2015年,《中国法学》杂志参加国家新闻出版广电总局的“百强报刊”推荐评选活动,经初审、复评和终评三轮严格评审,从694种参评报刊中脱颖而出,被确定为“百强社科期刊”。这是《中国法学》杂志继2013年获得“百强社科期刊”后再次获此项殊荣。 近年来,在国家社科基金的资助下,《中国法学》杂志的办刊条件得到了一定的改善,办刊质量和办刊水平得到进一步提高。同时,《中国法学》杂志的主管、主办单位中国法学会及学会党组对《中国法学》杂志的发展也给予了高度的重视和关心。
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