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据有关部门信息,“九五”期间,国家价格结构性调整将倾向于能源、运输等产业。 原油价格:目前,总体上我国仍然偏低,一是我国主力油田已进入中后期开采阶段,生产成本上升较快。二是我国原油价格水平只相当于国际市场的60%左右。三是从原油、成品油比价关系看,一般原油应为汽油的0.7左右,而我国仅为0.4左右,明显偏低。 煤炭价格:目前我国煤炭价格总体水平仍然偏低。一是煤炭价格与成本和工农业外支出费用相比偏低。二是煤炭与国内焦炉煤气、液化石油气、重油、天然气等可替代能源比价偏低。三是煤炭价格与国际市场价格相比偏低。1994年我国动力煤价格每吨25美元,而同期美国为40美元,澳大利亚为35美元,波兰为34美元。其中最为突出的是电煤价格,不仅低于煤炭平均价,也低于其他行业动力用煤价格。1995年,国有重点煤矿商标煤综合平均价每吨140.44元,而电煤价格仅为105.81元。 铁路货运价格:我国铁路运输价格和价值背离,使铁路发展落后于其他运输方式,造成铁路运输增长缓慢。企业在微利甚至亏损条件下经营,无力扩大再生产。因此,需要逐步提高铁路运价。 According to relevant departmental information, during the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, the structural adjustment of national prices will tend to be in industries such as energy and transportation. Crude oil prices: At present, China is still low on the whole. First, China’s main oil fields have entered the middle and late stage of production, and production costs have risen rapidly. Second, China’s crude oil price level is only about 60% of the international market. Third, from the perspective of the relationship between crude oil and refined oil prices, the average crude oil should be about 0.7 for gasoline, while China is only about 0.4, which is obviously low. Coal prices: At present, the overall level of coal prices in China is still low. First, the price of coal is relatively low compared with the cost of foreign industries and agriculture. The second is that coal and domestic coke oven gas, liquefied petroleum gas, heavy oil, natural gas and other alternative energy sources have a low price. Third, the coal price is low compared with the international market price. In 1994, China’s thermal coal price was US$25 per ton, compared with US$40 in the same period, Australia’s US$35, and Poland’s US$34. The most prominent of these is the price of thermal coal, which is not only lower than the average price of coal, but also lower than the price of coal used in other industries. In 1995, the comprehensive average price of state-owned key coal mines was 140.44 yuan per ton, while the coal price was only 105.81 yuan. Railway freight prices: The departure of railway transportation prices and values ​​in China has delayed the development of railways in other modes of transport, resulting in slow growth of railway transportation. Enterprises operate under conditions of low profits or even losses, and are unable to expand reproduction. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually increase the railway freight rates.
去年,世界1,4-丁二醇(BDO)及其衍生 物市场仍保持健康发展趋势,DuPont公司预计其年均增长率为6%-7%。BDO及其衍生物的快速增长推动了生产的扩大以及新厂家和新 Last year, th
2015年,《中国法学》杂志参加国家新闻出版广电总局的“百强报刊”推荐评选活动,经初审、复评和终评三轮严格评审,从694种参评报刊中脱颖而出,被确定为“百强社科期刊”。这是《中国法学》杂志继2013年获得“百强社科期刊”后再次获此项殊荣。 近年来,在国家社科基金的资助下,《中国法学》杂志的办刊条件得到了一定的改善,办刊质量和办刊水平得到进一步提高。同时,《中国法学》杂志的主管、主办单位中国法学会及学会党组对《中国法学》杂志的发展也给予了高度的重视和关心。