推进工业强旗 构建活力库伦

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实现率先崛起,争当自治区东部经济社会发展排头兵,是通辽今后一个时期经济社会发展的总体目标。库伦旗作为通辽市的一个经济板块,在实现率先崛起,争当自治区东部经济社会发展排头兵的过程中,责无旁贷。库伦旗在全市经济板块中相对落后,必须要有更高标尺、更新要求和更大作为,才能在通辽率先崛起中不掉队、不落伍,并争取成为通辽发展的后起之秀。 To achieve the first rise and strive to become the vanguard of the economic and social development in the eastern part of the autonomous region is the overall goal of economic and social development for Tongliao in the coming period. As an economic plate of Tongliao City, Kulun Banner is absolutely responsible for achieving the first rise and the vanguard of the economic and social development in the eastern part of the autonomous region. Kulun Qi in the city’s economic sector is relatively backward, we must have a higher standard, update requirements and greater work in order to rise in the rise of Tongliao not fall behind, out of hand, and strive to become a rising star in the development of Tongliao.
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今年6月1日,记者采访了长沙康旺公司,亲眼看到了公司整齐的规模和阵容,以及先进的技术和品种繁多的隐茶杯设备,还有现代化的营销培训手段。文章刊登后,读者的咨询电话不断,许多人都希望能更详细地了解公司的具体情况。为了满足广大中小投资者的需求,记者现将采访所闻所见呈现于读者。      实力雄厚技术先进  隐茶杯机种类齐全    记者步入公司,只见一排排整齐划一的办公隔断设施完备,数10名工作人员着装整