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呃逆是临床常见症状之一。笔者自1981~1995年采用中西医结合方法治疗外科临床中所遇到的顽固性呃逆50例,取得了满意的治疗效果,现总结报告如下。1一般资料 本组50例病例中,男28例,女22例。年龄20~30岁6例;31~40岁10例;41~50岁14例;51~60岁15例;60岁以上者5例。西医诊断肝癌15例;胆囊癌4例;胃肠肿瘤肝转移及幽门梗阻者13例;溃疗病11例;肠梗阻7例。2治疗方法 中医:全部病例均采用了针炙疗法。具体方法是针刺双侧合谷及足三里,每次20分钟,用强刺激法,使患者感到酸胀后为止。每5分钟强刺激1次;或取双侧足三里穴注射阿托品各0.5mg,必要时重复使用。 西医:初起可用灭吐灵(胃复安)10mg肌肉注射,如不缓解,可改用胃复安加入液体中静滴。亦可用复方冬眠灵(复方氯丙嗪)2ml肌肉注射,或用利他林20mg肌注,如呃逆反复发作可重复使用。此外还可应 Hiccup is one of the common clinical symptoms. The author from 1981 to 1995 using the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of surgical clinical encounter 50 cases of refractory hiccups and achieved satisfactory results, are summarized as follows. 1 General Information The group of 50 cases, 28 males and 22 females. Six cases were aged 20-30 years old, 10 cases were 31-40 years old, 14 cases were 41-50 years old, 15 cases were 51-60 years old and 5 cases were over 60 years old. Western diagnosis of liver cancer in 15 cases; gallbladder carcinoma in 4 cases; gastrointestinal tumor liver metastasis and pyloric obstruction in 13 cases; ulcer treatment in 11 cases; intestinal obstruction in 7 cases. 2 treatment TCM: All cases are used acupuncture therapy. The specific method is to acupuncture both Hegu and Zusanli, each 20 minutes, with strong stimulation, so that patients feel sore after. Strong stimulation every 5 minutes 1; or take bilateral Zusanli injection of atropine each 0.5mg, if necessary, repeated use. Western medicine: From the beginning off dextromethorphan (metoclopramide) 10mg intramuscular injection, if not relieved, can be replaced by metoclopramide added to the liquid intravenous infusion. Also available compound winter sleep Ling (compound chlorpromazine) 2ml intramuscular injection, or intramuscular injection of Ritalin 20mg, such as recurrent hiccups repeated use. In addition you can
摘 要:“危险无处不在”,也就是说在生活中,危险是时刻都存在的,故此,在生活中一定要注意安全,确保自己的人身以及财产安全。对于幼儿来说,他们对危险的认识并不深,没有足够的能力去判断危险,因此,在幼儿的教育中,一定要加强安全教育,提高幼儿的自我保护能力。  关键词:幼儿;自我保护;教育  随着年纪的增长,我们好像越来越“胆小”了,不敢挑战各种危险的任务了,其实并不是这样的,小时候,我们还不懂什么是“
输卵管阻塞约占女性不孕的30~40%,其中主要原因是由于输卵管的炎症。笔者近3年来采用中西医结合治疗,疗效满意,现报道如下:1 临床资料 本组病例治疗前后均用作子宫输卵管碘油
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