
来源 :教育理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cs333333
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美育是家庭教育的主要内容之一。如果家庭教育只抓智育而忽视美的教育内容,则会对下一代德、智、体全面发展带来严重的不良后果。一般家长都希望自己的子女学业成绩优良,而不大关 Aesthetic education is one of the main contents of family education. If family education only focuses on intellectual education and ignores the content of beauty education, it will have grave adverse consequences for the all-round development of moral, intellectual and physical body of the next generation. Parents generally want their children good academic performance, but not critical
在国内的几个大城市中,都有着所谓的双子星大学,基本都是“文理综”VS“工科综”的形式,各有所长,但学校知名度和实力相差不大。同城相处,学校与学校之间,免不了明里暗里的相互比较,更少不了那融不进第三者的惺惺相惜。  就这样正正好,相遇  2015年七夕节的零点时分,上海交通大学官方微博用一句漂亮而温婉的英文向复旦大学表露“心迹”:  “Among thousands of people, you m
AIM:To prospectively assess the sensitivity,specificity andtime to positivity of theUltra-rapid urease test (URUT) forHelicobacter pylori(H pylori),and compare
AIM:To determine the role and effect of nitric oxide synthasetype Ⅱ(NOSⅡ) in cirrhotic rats.METHODS:Expression of NOSⅡ mRNA was detected byreal time RT-PCR.
AIM:To study the relationship between expression of platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB) and fibrogenesis inchronic hepatitis B.METHODS:Hepatic tissues
AIM:To isolate the subtypes of 3’ region of cagA gene in Helicobacter pylori(H pylori)strains from Zhejiang Province in China and to investigate their relation
Six patients infected with Cydospora cayetanensis who soughtmedical care at three different hospitals in Turkey are hereinpresented.Four patients were male and
你知道愚人节是法国人发明的吗?法国人玩起幽默来,那可绝对是搞怪界的鼻祖。当年的《虎口脱险》把战争变成了喜剧,造就了荧屏经典。今天,法国人把电影《九条命》送来了,让我们一起去体验法式幽默的神奇魅力吧!  “九条命”让人不由想起“一猫九命”的说法。果真,喵星人就是一种神奇的生物,看那傲娇的小眼神,绝对秒杀一切!不管它怎样自由不羁、睥睨天下,全世界的“铲屎官”都心甘情愿忍受这一切。不过法式幽默自然不会如