建功立业十一五 共建共享促和谐——上海市建设交通工会工作剪影

来源 :工会理论研究(上海工会管理干部学院学报) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuguai19811025
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近年来,市建设交通工会在市建设交通工作党委和市总工会的领导下,始终坚持“围绕中心、服务大局”的工作要求,始终坚持“和谐发展、互利共赢”的维权理念,始终坚持“统筹兼顾、突出重点、分类指导”的工作方法,以开展职工素质工程为主线,在职工中开展“建功立业十一五,共建共享促和谐”的主题教育活动,弘扬劳模精神,发挥主人翁精神,动员全体职工积极投入重大工程建设,组织开展立功竞赛活动,引导职工为上海加快实现“四个率先”,加快建设“四个中心”作贡献,以实际行动迎接党的十七大和市委第九次党代会胜利召开。 In recent years, under the leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal general trade unions, the municipal transport and trade union has always adhered to the work requirements of “centering on the center and serving the overall interests” and has always adhered to the philosophy of “harmonious development, mutual benefit and win-win” The work principle of “taking all factors into consideration, giving prominence to key points and classifying guidance” takes the quality-oriented construction of workers and staff as the main line and carries out the theme education activities of “building the foundation for achievements in industry and establishing harmony and sharing through development during the 11th five-year plan” to carry forward the spirit of model worker and the spirit of ownership Mobilize all staff and workers to devote themselves energetically to the construction of major projects, organize the contest for meritorious service competitions, and guide the workers and staff to contribute to accelerating the realization of the “four pioneers” and speeding up the construction of the “four centers” of Shanghai, and take practical actions to meet the needs of the 17th CPC National Congress and the 9th Municipal Committee The second party congress was successfully held.
(一) 上海市档案馆于一九五九年十二月经市委批准,在中共上海市档案馆筹备处和上海市国家档案馆筹备处的基础上建立,是直属市委、市府领导的科学文化事业机构,是保存上海地
新员工培训有共性也有特性,优秀的企业会从新员工心态与需求出发,结合企业自身的管理理念、企业文化,从而制定出一份符合企业发展需求的新员工培训方案。让我们一起看看知名企业“海尔”是如何进行新员工培训的,或许从中会有意想不到的收获。  海尔作为一个世界级名牌企业,每年招录上千名大学生,但是离职率一直很低,离开的大部分是被淘汰的(海尔实行10/10原则,奖励前10%的员工,淘汰后10%的人员),真正优秀的
呼和浩特铁路局党政工按照构建和谐社会和建设和谐企业的要求,从培育和谐文化入手,在加快和谐发展上着力,推进了运输经营快速增长, According to the requirements of build
西德发明了一种专门供记载保密内容的“保密文件纸”.这种文件纸含有光致变色物质,不能用复印机复制,也不能使用闪光灯拍摄.由于光致变物质的作用,当受到一 West Germany in