
来源 :中国工业经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mryangjinhui
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1990年是治理整顿进入第二阶段的关键一年。一年来,认真贯彻执行控制总量、调整紧缩力度、启动市场等一系列宏观政策措施,使全国工业生产从低谷中起步,逐步回升,完成了国家计划规定的目标;产品结构调整取得一些进展,能源、原材料生产得到一定增强;落实企业第二轮承包进展良好。同时,受总需求松动滞后和最终产品需求不足的影响,工业产品严重积压;企业经济效益的下降;产业结构、企业结构的调整与治理整顿目标相比,进展缓慢。困扰工业生产持续、稳定、协调发展的各项矛盾依然突出。 The year 1990 was a crucial year for the second stage of governance. Over the past year, we have conscientiously implemented a series of macroeconomic policies and measures such as controlling total volume, adjusting austerity, and starting the market, so that the country’s industrial production started from the low point and gradually recovered, completing the goals set by the national plan; some progress was made in the adjustment of product structure. The production of energy and raw materials has been strengthened; the implementation of the second round of contracting of enterprises is progressing well. At the same time, due to the lagging demand for total demand and the insufficiency of demand for final products, a serious backlog of industrial products has occurred; the decline in the economic efficiency of enterprises, and the adjustment of industrial structure and corporate structure have been slow compared with the goal of rectification and improvement. The contradictions that plagued the sustained, stable and coordinated development of industrial production are still outstanding.
本文从确定产品标准水平,抓好采用国际标准,健全标准化体系等方面,阐明了如何加强企业标准化工作,促进基础管理,提高产品质量,为企业升级服务。 This article from the dete
Ⅰ级(高级)超声培训考核班于1990年10月15日~11月6日分别在无锡和西安两地举办。经过两天的 The Class I (Advanced) Ultrasonic Training Assessment Class was held in Wu
下个世纪初,一种新型大屏幕电视机将进入千千万万个普通家庭。这就是各国正在大力开发的高清晰度电视。 高清晰度电视与现在使用的普通彩色电视的主要区别之一是它的扫描线