In 1997, the Fujian Provincial Government approved the transformation of 6 industrial departments such as Provincial Light Industry Bureau into state-owned investment holding companies and authorized 6 large-sized enterprises or enterprise groups such as Provincial Light Industry Group to run state-owned assets. At present, over 30 state-owned asset operation companies have been set up in the province, bringing in over 11 billion yuan of operating assets. The provincial government also determined that over 80% of state-owned capital should be included in the operation of state-owned capital operation agencies in three years, initially establishing a state-owned capital investor system and a modern enterprise legal person property system. In 1998, more than 40% of state-owned capital should be strived to enter the state-owned capital operation Institutional operation. At the provincial level, as far as possible, the assets of related industries should be merged and reorganized to form a state-owned capital operation organization. All of this was provided for the establishment of provincial publishing asset management companies