Synthesis and Properties of La and Sb Doped SnO_2 Conductive Nanoparticles

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daliangengbo
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La and Sb doped SnO_2 conductive nanoparticles were prepared by the coprecipitation method with SnCl_4·5H_2O, SbCl_3 and La_2O_3 as the raw materials. Thermal behavior, crystal phase, and structure of the prepared conductive nanoparticles were characterized by TG/DSC/DTG, FTIR, XRD and TEM techniques, respectively. The resistivity of the prepared conductive nanoparticles is 2.5 Ω·cm. TG/DSC/DTG curves show that the precursors lose weight completely before 750 ℃. FTIR spectrum show that the vibration peak are wide peak in 718~615 cm -1, and the La and Sb doped SnO_2 conductive nanoparticles have intense absorption in 4000~2000 cm -1. X-ray powder diffraction pattern of the conductive nanoparticles indicates that the Sb-doping in SnO_2 is replacement doping and La 3+ combines with Sn 4+ and O 2- form La_2Sn_2O_7. TME shows that the particles are weakly agglomerated, and the size of the particles calcined at 1000 ℃ ranged about 20~30 nm. La and Sb doped SnO 2 conductive nanoparticles were prepared by the coprecipitation method with SnCl 4 · 5H 2 O, SbCl 3 and La 2 O 3 as the raw materials. Thermal behavior, crystal phase, and structure of the prepared conductive nanoparticles were characterized by TG / DSC / DTG, FTIR, The resistivity of the prepared conductive nanoparticles was 2.5 Ω · cm. TG / DSC / DTG curves show that the precursors lose weight completely before 750 ° C. FTIR spectrum show that the vibration peak are wide peaks in 718 ~ 615 cm -1, and the La and Sb doped SnO 2 conductive nanoparticles have intense absorption in 4000-2000 cm -1. X-ray powder diffraction pattern of the conductive nanoparticles indicates that the Sb-doping in SnO 2 is replaced doping and La 3+ Combining with Sn 4+ and O 2- form La_2Sn_2O_7 TME shows that the particles are weakly agglomerated, and the size of the particles calcined at 1000 ° C ranged about 20-30 nm.
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