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办公室工作应遵循的原则,是与办公室的工作特点相对应的。从我们报社的工作特点及办公室工作实践来看,以下5条原则是必须遵循的。1.服务原则。要做好办公室的工作,必须强化服务意识,注意三个方面的问题:(1)不仅要为领导权力的运作提供服务,也要为领导所承担的责任和义务服务,要注意多做拾遗补缺、充实完善、疏通规劝、增光补台的工作;(2)要把为领导服务、为部门服务、为群众服务统一起来,在实际工作中正确处理“三服务”关系、做好“三服务”工作,要特别重视对部门的服务,对部门的工作要多商量,多帮助,多沟通,多支持,不能颐指气使, The principles to be followed in office work correspond to the work characteristics of the office. From the characteristics of our newspaper’s work and office work practices, the following five principles must be followed. 1. Service principle. To do a good job in the office, we must reinforce the sense of service and pay attention to three issues: (1) not only to provide services for the operation of the leadership, but also to serve the responsibilities and obligations assumed by the leaders. (2) We should serve the leadership, serve the departments and serve the masses in a unified way. In the practical work, we should correctly handle the relationship between the “three services” and do a good job in the “three services” Work, pay special attention to the service of the department, discuss the work of the department more, help more, communicate more and support more, and can not be misguided,
Ceria-yttria co-doped zirconia-based multi-components ceramics, with superfine alumina dispersed in the matrix, possess excellent fracture toughness,strength an
新课程的实施给我们带来了全新的教育理念,它在为基础教育带来生机与活力时,也为教学带来了挑战。数学的教学要以学生的综合发展为教学目标,全面培养学生的主动性和创造性,教师要充当引导者,让学生在开放的,创造性的课堂环境中学会思考、探索,使课堂教学呈现出丰富性,灵活性。小学数学实施创新教育,可以让每个学生积极参与数学学习活动,为每个学生提供机会,从而培养学生的主观能动性。  在小学数学教育中,创新主要体现
Conventional scan-to-scan integration correlation (SIC) algorithms can detect small and stationary targets. However, they are ineffective in detecting small and
党的十五大报告指出:“营造良好的文化环境,是提高社会文明程度,推进改革开放和现代化建设的重要条件。”党委办公室是社会主义精神文明建设的重地,是一地文化环境的窗口 T
摘 要:在小学数学教学的过程中,开展体验式教学,能够使抽象的数学知识变得具体,使学生对知识的形成和应用过程有更加直观的认识,增强学生对知识的理解和记忆,有效的提高教学效果。  关键词:小学数学;体验教学;有效开展  传统的小学数学教学模式,学生的主体地位被严重忽视,只能被动地接受教师的讲解,不利于主观能动性的发挥,学生学习兴趣不高。而体验教学比较重视学生的主体地位,学生在教师的引导下进行自主学习和
An optimum search algorithm for the coherent acquisition in direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DSSS) receivers is proposed and analyzed in this paper. The system
A new convenient and environmentally benign procedure for synthesis of azines from hydrazine sulfate with several aromatic aldehydes coupled with grinding is st