水资源讲座第四讲 地下水资源的评价

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一、地下水资源评价的内容地下水是赋存和运移于多孔介质之中,虽与地表水同属于大陆水循环的组成部分,但毕竟有所不同,有其独特之处,按不同储水和导水条件,可分为如下几点: 孔隙水是指埋藏和运移于第四纪松散沉积物如卵石、砾石、砂土和粘性土孔隙里的地下水,如我国辽阔的黄淮海平原沉积物厚达几百米,有的地方甚至为几千米,其中蕴藏着大量的孔隙水(包括潜水和承压水),成为工业、农业、居民用水的主要供水水源。孔隙含水层的特点是结构松散、含水均匀。 First, the content of groundwater resources assessment Groundwater is the occurrence and migration of porous media, although with the surface water belong to the mainland part of the water cycle, but after all, is different, has its unique features, according to different storage and guide Water conditions can be divided into the following points: Pore water refers to buried and transported in Quaternary loose sediments such as pebbles, gravel, sand and clay in the pores of groundwater, such as China’s vast Huang-Huai-Hai Plain sediment thickness Up to several hundred meters in some places and even a few kilometers in length, which contains a large amount of pore water (including submersible and confined water), becoming the main source of water for industrial, agricultural and residential uses. Pore ​​aquifers are characterized by loose structure and even water content.
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