《中学英语教学大纲》中规定,中学英语教学要“侧重培养阅读能力”,纵观历年来的高考,阅读理解题占整个考题总分的比例越来越大,今年的NMET试题,阅读理解题的短文增至5篇,20小题40分,连同完形填空和短文改错等与考查阅读能力密切相关的题型,实际上考查阅读理解能力的试题占分已经过半。由此可见,抓好阅读能力的培养,提高阅读理解的解题技能是高中英语教学的重要环节。本文拟就高中学生如何培养阅读理解技能谈谈看法,供广大同学参考。 一、培养阅读能力训练要尽早抓,而且要持之以恒。那种认为高一、高二先打知识基础,等到高三再突击抓阅读训练的想法是错误的。俗话说“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”,只有经过长期坚持不懈的训练,阅读能力才能逐步增强。为了督促自己,最好有一个阅读计划,规定每天或每周应完成的阅读任务。平时尽量挤时间读,到寒暑假时安排时间多读,长期这样坚持下去,阅读量十分可观。随着阅读量的不断加大,阅读技能便自然地得到培养和提高了。
The “Secondary English Teaching Syllabus” stipulates that English teaching in middle schools should “focus on cultivating reading ability”. Throughout the years of college entrance examination, the proportion of reading comprehension questions in the total score of the exam has been increasing. This year’s NMET test questions, reading comprehension questions The number of essays increased to 5, and 20 questions were 40 points. Together with questions such as cloze and essay corrections, which were closely related to the ability to examine reading, the examination questions actually accounted for more than half of the examination questions. Therefore, it is an important part of high school English teaching to do a good job in the cultivation of reading ability and improve the problem solving skills in reading comprehension. This article intends to discuss the views of high school students on how to develop reading comprehension skills for reference by our students. First, training in reading ability should be grasped as soon as possible, and we must persist. It is wrong to think that high school and high school first played the basis of knowledge and waited until the third year to attack training again. As the saying goes, “three feet of ice, not a day’s cold”, only after long-term and unremitting training, reading ability can gradually increase. In order to supervise yourself, it is best to have a reading plan that stipulates reading tasks that should be completed on a daily or weekly basis. Usually try to squeeze the time to read, to the winter and summer vacation time to arrange more time to read, long-term adhere to it, reading is very impressive. As the reading volume continues to increase, reading skills are naturally cultivated and improved.