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[背景资料]1959年4月,全国民兵炮兵现场会在山东烟台崆峒岛召开,崆峒岛民兵连射击成绩优秀,受到现场会嘉奖。1963年崆峒岛民兵连与岛上驻军联合进行第一次军事演习,苏联军事专家称赞崆峒岛民兵炮手打得好!1964年,崆峒岛民兵连涌现出“三代民兵”、“夫妻炮手”、“姊妹炮手”、“少年民兵班”等优秀典型,“三代民兵”吕其喜、吕志玉、吕永顺,“夫妻炮手”吕志金、吕志花和“姊妹炮手”去济南参加军事表演,受到贺龙元帅、罗瑞卿总参谋长的好评,济南军区奖给该民兵连一门“八二迫击炮”。6月15日,“三代民兵”去北京参加军事比武大会,受到毛主席、周总理、朱德委员长等的接见并合影留念。中央军委赠给他们半自动步枪一支。9月,济南军区为检验崆峒岛驻军和民兵协同作战能力,举行了大规模的地面、海上实弹演练,军区杨得志司令员等主要领导现场观看了这次演习,一致称赞崆峒岛民兵工作“三落实”所取得的成绩。 [Background Information] In April 1959, the scene of the national militia artillery was held in Qionglai Island, Yantai, Shandong Province. The Militia Island militia successfully delivered excellent shooting results and was commended on the spot. In 1963, the Militaire and the island’s garrison jointly carried out the first military exercise and the Soviet military experts praised the militia and artillerymen of the Mudanjiang Island for playing well! In 1964, the Militia militias even emerged as “three generations of militia” “The couple gunner ”, “sisters gunner ”, “young militia class ” and other excellent model, “three generations of militia ” Lvqi Xi, Lvzhiyu, Lv Yongshun, “couple gunner ” Lv Zhijin, Lvzhihua and “sisters gunner ”To Jinan to participate in military performances by Marshal Long He, Luo Ruiqing Chief of Staff of praise, Jinan Military Region Award to the militia even a “ 82 mortar ”. On June 15, the “three generations of militia” went to Beijing to attend the military contest, and were interviewed by Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou and President Zhu De to take a group photo. The Central Military Commission gave them a semi-automatic rifle. In September, in order to test the joint combat capability of the garrison troops and the militia in Qionglai Island, the Jinan Military Region held large-scale ground and sea live exercises. Major military commanders such as Commander Yang Dezhi watched this exercise and unanimously praised the militia of the island of 崆 峒 Island for their work Achievements of “Three Realizations”.
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