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子痫是产科急诊,也是妊娠高血压综合征发展到最严重阶段,是导致孕产妇、胎儿或婴儿死亡的产科原因之一。如果急救过程中不及时或处理不当,患者可发生胎盘早剥、心力衰竭、肺水肿、肾功能衰竭、脑疝、凝血功能障碍等而死亡。虽然妊娠高血压综合征的病因尚不完全明确,尚不能完全预防和控制其发病。但是,我们做好围产期保健工作,通过产前系统检查,及时纠正妊娠合并症,完全可以杜绝子痫的发生。同时也要求我们医务工作对子痫患者急救过程中,能及时、迅速、正确实施有效的治疗措施。因为抢救及时是关键,所以,还要求医务人员,必须熟练掌握子痫抢救程序,具备过硬的理论知识、急救知识,熟练掌握操作技能,在急救过程中,做到迅速有效、忙而不乱、胆大心细,使患者能得到迅速有效治疗,是挽救孕产妇及婴儿生命,是降低孕产妇死亡率的重要保证。 Eclampsia is an emergency department of obstetrics and gynecology, but also the most serious stage of development of pregnancy-induced hypertension. It is one of the obstetric causes of death of pregnant women, fetuses or infants. If the first aid process is not timely or improper handling, the patient may have placental abruption, heart failure, pulmonary edema, renal failure, hernia, coagulation disorders and death. Although the etiology of pregnancy-induced hypertension is not yet completely clear, it can not completely prevent and control its incidence. However, we do a good job in perinatal care, through prenatal system examination, timely correction of pregnancy complications, can completely eliminate the occurrence of eclampsia. Also requires that our medical work on the process of first aid in patients with eclampsia, timely, rapid and correct implementation of effective treatment. Because the timely rescue is the key, therefore, also requires medical staff must be proficient in preeclampsia rescue procedures, with excellent theoretical knowledge, first aid knowledge, proficiency in operating skills, in the first aid process, be effective quickly, not chaos busy, Being bold and careful so that patients can be promptly and effectively treated is an important guarantee to reduce the maternal mortality rate, which is to save the lives of pregnant women and infants.
糖尿病足(Diabetic Foot,DF)是2型糖尿病患者致死、致残的重要原因,防治DF有较重要的临床意义和卫生经济学价值。现将2型糖尿病患者DF的危险因素分析如下。1 资料与方法1.1
[目的]建立一种20%氟磺胺草醚·精喹禾灵可分散油悬浮剂的定量分析方法。[方法]采用高效液相色谱法和反相色谱柱,以乙腈和水(体积比80∶20)为流动相,以236 nm为检测波长,对试
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Objective: Gestational weight gain consistent with the Institute of Medicine’s recommendations is associated with better maternal and infant outcomes. The obje