The Application of Cognitive Psychology in English Vocabulary Teaching

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  Based on the definition of cognitive psychology,this paper analyzes and discusses its application in English vocabulary teaching.It also discusses how to strengthen the memory of English vocabulary by combining the factors that affect English vocabulary,highlighting the impact of the relevant theories of cognitive psychology on English vocabulary teaching.
  I.The Definition of Cognitive Psychology
  When we analyze the application of cognitive psychology in English vocabulary teaching process,we must first clearly understand the meaning of cognitive psychology and its related principles.Only on the basis of in-depth understanding of cognitive psychology can we better integrate it with English vocabulary teaching,so that the teaching effectiveness can be further developed.
  Cognitive psychology was a psychological trend that rose in the United States in the mid-1950s.It became a major direction of psychology in the 1970s.Cognitive Psychology takes psychological activity such as attention,perception,appearance,memory,thinking,and language as the object of study.It is a kind of psychology takes the acquisition,storage,processing,and use of external information as the core of study.The purpose is mainly to reveal the internal psychological mechanism of the cognitive process,and to explain some of the various psychological activities and speech acts of human beings.This is the concept of cognitive psychology summarized according to the relevant theories of western cognitive science.The study of cognitive psychology is relatively abstract but we can visualize it:comparing people to a complete system,he continuously receives information from the outside world in his daily life.The brain then memorizes and stores information,then processes it,and finally outputs processed information according to the needs of the outside world.In general,cognitive psychology is a study of this inner procedure.The process of learning English vocabulary is in line with this procedure.Firstly,the learner receives words,then processes and memorize them in the brain.Finally,he will use these words he has remembered and understood when he needs them.Therefore,people can combine cognitive psychology with English vocabulary teaching and then explore its application in English vocabulary teaching.
  II.The Main Factors Influencing English Vocabulary Learning
  In China,people learn English as a second language.The most basic way to learn a language is to learn words,phrases and sentences.And it is also important to understand the cultural background of this language.   Pronunciation and morphology of English vocabulary are inconsistent:When we contact and learn the English,we can easily find that many words have very different pronunciations and spellings.Sometimes if we write words only according to the pronunciation,we will write wrong words.Because English is influenced by other languages in its evolution,such as French.English continually develops and enriches itself by absorbing some of vocabulary from other languages.Eventually it leads to inconsistencies in the pronunciation and spelling of English vocabulary.Some words have only one sound in a few letter combinations.This feature of English vocabulary brings great difficulties to English learners.
  The frequency of English vocabulary affects vocabulary memorization:In our learning or daily communication,words with a high frequency of occurrence are more likely to be remembered than words with a low frequency of occurrence.Because when we first learn a new word,we can’t have a strong memory of it.If the words appear in high frequency,we can learn it again and again.This is a process of recognizing.For example,the basic vocabulary in English “I”,“you”,“he” or "she" and so on.Therefore,the frequency of vocabulary is one of the factors that affect the learning vocabulary.
  English vocabulary memorization requires a context:When we learn a new English word,if we put it in the corresponding context,the memory effect will be better than rote memory.Context plays a very important role in our learning and understanding of vocabulary.At the same time,context can help us to distinguish lexical meanings.There are many homonyms in English vocabulary.With context,we can easily remember and understand vocabulary.Therefore,context is also one of the important factors affecting English vocabulary learning.
  III.The Application of Cognitive Psychology in English Vocabulary Teaching
  According to the above analysis of several important factors that affect English vocabulary learning and memory,we can use related knowledge and theory of cognitive psychology to strengthen the vocabulary memorization and understanding,so that English vocabulary teaching has a better effect.
  Associative Memory and English Vocabulary Teaching
  According to the above analysis,there are many inconsistencies in pronunciation and spelling in English vocabulary.We can use associative memory to memorize vocabulary.Synonymous associates refer to other words that are similar in meaning in the teaching of vocabulary to explain the target word.The words listed by synonymous associations may have subtle differences in terms of exact meaning,emotional color,pragmatics,etc.Teachers must give explanations to achieve the purpose of identification.For example,when it comes to “endure”,the teacher can quote “bear”,“stand”,“tolerate”,“put up with” for explanation;when talking about “chuckle”,teacher can list synonyms such as “smile”,“giggle”,“laugh” and so on.   Antisense association is also a good way to learn English vocabulary.It refers to use of the antonym of words to explain the meaning of words,so as to achieve the purpose of clarifying the meaning of the words.As an explanation of the word "constructive",an antonym "destructive" may be proposed and an antonym "science" may be proposed when interpreting the word "superstition".
  Episodic Memory and English Vocabulary Teaching
  The episodic memory method of English vocabulary is derived from the study of episodic memory in cognitive psychology.In general,the memory process of outside information can be divided into three stages.First,people receive external information,we call it feeling,and then there are 10 to 20 seconds of memory when receiving information.Because of its relatively short memory time,we call it short-term memory.Finally,people process it through the brain so that it will not be forgotten for a long time.We call it long-term memory.When teaching a new English vocabulary,the instructor can guide the learner to contact the previously learned and memorized words to help memorize a new one.When a learner receives a new vocabulary,he/she mobilizes relevant information already existing in the brain and combines known information with new information so that information in short-term memory can be converted into long-term memory.
  Forgetting Curve and English Vocabulary Teaching
  After learning new knowledge,if we don't repeat them to strengthen the learning effect,those short-term memory will be partially forgotten.Ebbinghaus forgetting curve tells us that forgetting in learning is regular and the process of forgetting is not balanced.The memory of words is not fixed,but the speed of forgetting in the initial stage of memory is very fast,and then it gradually slows down.After a long time,it is no longer forgotten.So,in English vocabulary teaching,teachers should timely guide the student to review the vocabulary.It can make vocabulary constantly appear in the brain to deeper impression.It also can form neural connections in the brain,so as to improve the efficiency of the memory of vocabulary.
  Teachers should follow students' cognitive rules in vocabulary t eaching.When teaching words,they should set up contexts to provide context for students' understanding and memories.At the same time,teachers should pay attention to the psychological process of students' vocabulary learning and guide them in vocabulary learning methods.
  Generally speaking,English is taught as a second language in most areas of our country.English learning plays an important role in China and the world.Therefore,it is very important to strengthen the teaching of English basic vocabulary.Cognitive psychology plays an indispensable role in English vocabulary teaching.After the above analysis,the influence of cognitive psychology on English vocabulary teaching needs to be further studied and research.
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摘 要:当代大学生恋爱已成为普遍现象,一对对情侣已成为校园的一道风景线。无论是从大学生的生理还是从心理来说都已具备了一定的基础,大学生恋爱有其客观必然性和现实合理性。但我们必须要做到的是,充分认识恋爱与婚姻的关系,摆正爱情与事业的关系,力求二者的相得益彰。  关键词:大学生;恋爱观  恋爱已成为大学生不可避免的话题,大学生恋爱也已成为大学生活的重要组成部分。当然,我们也知道,大学生谈恋爱问题是高校