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近几年,历史剧的热播不断引起关注,各大电视台争相播出走红的历史剧,其中犹以清朝历史剧的后宫争斗为最。历史剧走红其原因很多,最主要的是有市场,有受众,作为消遣,看看也无不可。但是,近几年历史剧的不断走红,也让大家看到了许多的问题。而其中之最就是对历史的篡改和对一些历史史实的改编,歪曲了很多对历史不是太了解的受众的历史观念,对受众进行错误的引导。本文从历史事实与艺术真实的关系出发,找到当今历史剧存在突出问题的本质是两者关系认识不清且处理不当。并在进一步明确两者关系的基础之上提出了历史剧创作的原则及要求,避免创作者方向的盲目,并正确认识市场化环境下历史剧创作的本质,权衡好艺术与商业之间的关系。 In recent years, the hit of the historical drama has drawn increasing attention. The major television stations await the broadcast of popular historical plays, of which the harem struggle of the historical drama of the Qing Dynasty is the most. Historical drama popular for many reasons, the most important thing is a market, an audience, as a pastime, have a look. However, the continuous popularity of historical plays in recent years has also exposed many problems. And most of them are the tampering with history and the adaptation of some historical facts, distorting many historical concepts of audiences who do not know much about history, and misleading the audience. Starting from the relationship between historical fact and artistic reality, this article finds out the essence of the outstanding problems in current historical drama that the relationship between the two is not well understood and handled properly. On the basis of further clarifying the relationship between the two, the author puts forward the principles and requirements of the historical drama creation, avoids the blindness of the creators’ direction, and correctly understands the essence of the historical drama creation in the market-oriented environment and weighs the relationship between art and commerce.
摘 要: 一体化教师培训离不开企业实践锻炼,企业实践锻炼是一体化教师培训的重要方式和途径。本文就技工院校教师队伍存在的问题、一体化教师到企业实践的必要性及一体化教师培训的策略进行探讨。  关键词: 一体化教师 培养策略 企业实践  人社部2010年出台的《关于大力推进技工院校改革发展的意见》明确指出:积极创新技能人才培养模式,逐步建立以国家职业标准为依据、以工作任务为导向、以综合职业能力培养为核心
【摘要】随着我国经济的不断发展,各个大中小企业也随之发展起来,因会计工作在企业中也更加重要。中职院校是培养会计专业人才的重要场所但现有的中职院校教育,与企业对会计人才的需求有着很大的差距,在教育教学上仍存在诸多问题。特别是在理财教育方面,中职院校对学生理财教育不够重视,忽视了教育教学的实践性,因此,在教学实践中,应该进行对理财教育方法的探索,以实现会计专业教学的创新,培养应用型会计人才。  【关键