One-dimensional large-strain consolidation of soft clay with non-Darcian flow and nonlinear compress

来源 :中南大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:denny322
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Geometrical nonlinearity of the soft soil and the deviation of water flow in the soft clay from Darcy’s law have been well recognized in practice. However, the theory of consolidation, which can account for both the geometrical nonlinearity and the non-Darcian flow, has not been reported so far. In this contribution, a model for the consolidation of soft clay which can allow for these two factors simultaneously is proposed. Utilizing the finite difference method, the numerical model for this problem is developed. With the numerical model, the effects of the geometrical nonlinearity and the non-Darcian flow on the consolidation of the soft soil are investigated. The results show that when the self-weight stress is calculated by the same method, the rate of the non-Darcian consolidation for the large-strain case is larger than that for the small-strain case, but the difference between them is limited. However, the difference between the consolidation rates caused by the non-Darcian and Darcian flows is significant. Therefore, when the geometrical nonlinearity of the soft clay is considered in calculating the consolidation settlement, due to the complexity of the large-strain assumption, the small-strain assumption can be used to replace it if the self-weight stress for the small-strain assumption is calculated by considering its sedimentation. However, due to the aforementioned large difference between the consolidation rates with consideration of the non-Darcian flow in soft clay or not, it is better to consider the non-Darcian flow law for both the small and large stain assumptions.
摘 要:随着新课程改革的逐步推进,小学阶段的美术教学越来越受到人们的关注,在学生学习美术的过程中,能否把握好色彩的运用将会直接影响到学生的绘画水平,学好色彩相关的知识同时也是学生提升绘画技巧必备的基本条件。学生对于色彩的运用能力既取决于他们先天的对于色彩的敏感度,同时也取决于后天的学习过程,更取决于教师的引导。主要对小学美术色彩教学的有效策略进行研究,希望能够对相关领域的研究人员提供借鉴意义。  
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通过论述某非金属材料制品厂房的电气改造方案,阐述了普通戊类厂房改造为甲类厂房时应注意的电气问题,说明了爆炸性危险环境中的电气设计要点。 This paper elaborates the