Does Text Really Help?—A Comparative Study on the Performance of C-E Simultaneous Interpreting with

来源 :海外英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiajianye
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Studies on interpreting theory have developed rapidly since 1950 s, yet researches in China started quite late comparatively. Only a few of researchers have placed emphasis on different performances of SI and scholars in this respect seldom pay attention to the text. SI of text-based speech presents special challenges and a real dilemma for the interpreter as to whether to use the text or not while interpreting, especially when text is unable to be given timely or preparation time is barely provided.Through an experimental study and theoretical analysis, the author attempts to see if the performance of SI with text is better than that of SI without text; thus reach the conclusion that under certain conditions such as C-E SI with no preparation time, the text does not necessarily help. Studies on interpreting theory have recently rapid since 1950 s, yet researches in China started quite late comparatively. Only a few of researchers have placed emphasis on different performances of SI and scholars in this respect seldom pay attention to the text. speech presents special challenges and a real dilemma for the interpreter as to whether to use the text or not while interpreting, especially when text is not to be given timely or preparation time is barely provided. Through an experimental study and theoretical analysis, the author attempts to see if the performance of SI with text is better than that of SI without text; reaching reach the conclusion that under certain conditions such as CE SI with no preparation time, the text does not necessarily help.
在注重人全面发展的当今社会,人文精神为诸多领域所倡导。本文就人文精神在中学体育教学过程中的体现展开论述。 In today’s society that pays attention to the all-roun