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秋风吹散了焦灼的阳光,我有些欣喜。但叶黄了,连树上的鸟儿也徘徊,不知停落在哪一处。仿佛昨日绿叶还在招摇,今日便己满目苍黄。都说秋风起悲意浓,漫步于校园小道的我披着厚衣,任风扰乱发丝,悲愁上头。那风极寒,不似往常的柔和与微凉。不知怎的,念头里出现了寒,便想到了雪,便想到了雪莲。我的新疆雪莲,此刻,你在我生活的那片热土是否依然习惯?黑夜朦胧,灯光朦胧,人影朦胧,可我却能 Autumn wind blew the anxious sunshine, I am a little happy. But the yellow leaves, and even the trees are also wandering birds, stop where I do not know. As if the green leaves are still swaggering yesterday, they are now full of yellow. Said that the fall of the wind from deep concentration, walking in the campus trail I was wearing a thick coat, the wind disturbed the hair, sadness above. That wind is extremely cold, not like the usual soft and cool. Somehow, the idea appeared in the cold, then think of the snow, then think of the lotus. My Xinjiang snow lotus, at the moment, you are in that part of my life is still accustomed to the land? Dark night hazy, dim light, shadowy, but I can
本文共收集来自抗氯喹的恶性疟疾流行区的现症病人103例。其中83例(男56例,女27例,年龄25±±14岁,病程6±5年,体温39.5±1.1℃,疟原虫 In this paper, a total of 103 cas
对变薄拉深进口区温度场进行了分析,在考虑热效应的条件下推导了变薄拉深进口区润滑膜厚度精确解分式 The temperature field of the ironing zone is analyzed, and the thi
鼠伤寒沙门菌(Salmonella typhimurium,STM)感染典型病例临床诊断不难,但表现特殊者常易误诊,现将我院1988~1989年收治的7例非典型表现报道如下。临床资料本组来自农村5例,城
所有制是目的也是手段。在坚持社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度过程中,不能忘记《公有私有通向共同富有》这个根本。 Ownership is also a means. In upholding the basic e
La mousse au chocolat Ingrédients:200 gr de chocolat noir,150gr de crème frache,50 gr de beurre,5 oeufs frais,1 pincée de sel,30 gr de sucre en poudre 1.Ch