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为了深入贯彻邓小平同志南巡讲话精神和刘纪原副部长视察基地时所作的指示,066基地于1992年8月31日~9月1 日召开了第二届民品工作会议。基地所属各单位党政负责人全部出席会议,共商基地民品发展大计。会议认真总结了近10年来基地民品发展过程中的经验和教训,特别是对基地在军转民过程中存在的主要问题进行了深刻的剖析。与会代表热烈讨论,认为:近几年来,066基地民品没有得到较快的发展,已从当初的部内领先变为落后,目 In order to thoroughly implement the instructions of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour speech and Deputy Minister Liu Jiyuan’s inspection of the base, 066 Base held the second session of the civil work conference from August 31 to September 1, 1992. All the party and government leaders of the base units attended the meeting to discuss plans for the development of civil products at the base. The meeting carefully summed up the experience and lessons learned in the development of the civilian products in the bases in the past 10 years, especially the deep analysis of the main problems existing in the process of changing the base from military to civilian. The delegates enthusiastically discussed and believed that in recent years, the 066-base civilian products have not developed rapidly and have changed from the original intra-district leadership to the backwardness.
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据来自沙特阿拉伯的消息,由于沙特全国各地建设项目增加,急需大量水泥,据估计市场需求量可达1600万吨。目前沙特的巴卢姆集团已同欧洲一家公 According to information fro
津巴布韦从去年开始允许从我国进口的货物有:冷冻压缩机元(部)件、一般用途的机械、化工产品、工具和农具、仪器、仪 The goods that Zimbabwe has allowed to import from
1969年,从部队退伍返乡的刘书琴被分配到供销社工作,由于成绩突出,几年后就被提拔为经理。正当他在供销社事业有成干得红火的时候,组织上又准备让他去镇武装部工作, In 196
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