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一直是喜欢秋天的,喜欢秋日早晨清新的空气、明媚的阳光;喜欢秋日午后温暖、淡雅的茶香;喜欢秋日夜晚凉爽的微风、稀疏的虫鸣。。。。。。喜欢秋天,所以感觉秋天的一切都是那么的美好。秋与其他三个季节相比,似乎是不那么引人注意,那么短暂,也许一眨眼,它便能从我们的指隙间溜走,悄无声息。是的,秋日没有春天的生机盎然,万物休息了整个冬日,都从隆冬的死寂中苏醒过来,渐渐恢复了他们的生命力,一切都是那么的充满活力, Always like the autumn, like the autumn morning fresh air, bright sunshine; like autumn afternoon warm, elegant tea; like autumn night cool breeze, sparse insect. . . . . . Like autumn, so everything that feels autumn is so beautiful. Compared with the other three seasons, autumn seems less attractive, so short-lived, and perhaps blink of an eye, it can slip away from our fingers and silence. Yes, there is no vitality of the spring in autumn, all the rest of the winter, wake up from the winter’s silence, and gradually restored their vitality, everything is so full of vitality,
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每个时代都有代表那个时代的思想,每个民族都有反映自己民族智慧的语言,其精华的集中体现自然就是劳动人民智慧的结晶——谚语。  1. One today is worth two tomorrows. 一个今天胜似两个明天。  2. One flower does not make a spring. 一花独放不是春。  3. One swallow does not make a summer. 一
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What the litigation for requesting determination of non-infringement of IP right is all about The litigation for requesting determination of non-in- fringement
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