
来源 :中国房地产金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linxiong12
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进入90年代中后期,中国房地产业的可持续发展急需金融行业的鼎力支持,尤其是在我国产业结构大调整和住房制度改革全面推进的背景下,房地产业的可持续发展离开了金融简直寸步难行。本文对我国房地产业可持续发展及其与金融支持的关系、对目前房地产金融支持存在的问题及下一步政策取向都做了充分地阐述论证,得出一个结论:金融支持是中国房地产业可持续发展的重要组成部分,必须在总结国内外经验的基础上,进行大量的金融制度与工具创新,而衡量这些创新成功与否的标志就是房地产业的升级和优秀房地产企业的扩张。 In the mid-to-late 1990s, the sustainable development of China’s real estate urgently needed the full support of the financial industry. Especially under the background of the great readjustment of the industrial structure and the reform of the housing system in our country, the sustainable development of the real estate industry is almost impossible to get out of the financial market. This article gives a full exposition on the sustainable development of real estate industry in our country and its relationship with financial support, expounds the existing problems of the real estate financial support and the next policy orientation, and draws a conclusion: financial support is the sustainable development of China’s real estate industry As an important part of development, a large number of financial institutions and tools must be innovated based on a summary of domestic and foreign experiences. The hallmarks of the success of these innovations are the upgrading of the real estate industry and the expansion of excellent real estate enterprises.
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