A Brief History of Language Teaching

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  【Abstract】In this article,the major teaching methods of Second Language Acquisition are reviewed and evaluated since the early times to the current times.
  【Key words】teaching method; second language acquisition
  The first dominant foreign language is Latin and meanwhile the dominant language teaching method is the Grammar Translation method (Classical Method).Language teachers put energy on analyzing grammar rules and memorizing vocabulary,pay little attention to the content of context.GT focuses on improving learner’s reading and writing abilities only.The final goal is to produce grammatically correct language.In the last twenty years of 19th century it lost its popularity due to the increasing need of daily interaction in Europe; however,for many reasons some language classes still adopt GT as the major teaching method until now.
  After Grammar Translation Method,teachers turn to the Direct Method (Natural Method)at the turn of the century,aiming to overcome the defects of GT,and believing that Second Language learning should like first language learning.It focused on oral interaction.Small and intensive classes were taught exclusively in the target language by native speakers.It paid little attention to grammar rules and translation.Only everyday vocabulary and sentences are instructed.The problem of DM is it is not practical for public schools,only suitable for private institutions where students are highly motivated and native-speaking teachers could be employed.By the end of the first quarter of 20th century,the use of DM declined.
  In the first 50 years of the 20th century,from Direct Method,linguists both in US and Europe developed a new method in order to remedy DM’s problem.In US it is Audiolingual Method; and in Europe it is Situational Language Teaching.The Audiolingual Method come from the Second World War—an oral based intense program of the target language—training the most important Speaking and listening skills.And ALM researchers believe language is a set of “structures”.More attention should be paid on these structures not grammar and vocabulary.In classrooms materials are presented in dialogue form based on behaviourist psychology—stimulus-response learning,hoping automatically response.In Europe the Oral Approach or Situational Language Teaching are used which is based on the British “structuralism”.The key difference between Audiolingual Method and SLT is language teaching is situationalised.And the essential features of SLT is the Presentation-Practice-Produce model.And all the ALM techniques are used by SLT,but the “situation” background was added.   Later,it comes to the Cognitive Code Learning.In 1957,Chomskyan revolution turns linguistics and language teachers toward the “deep structure” of language.Researchers are interested in generative transformational grammar.And they focused on the rules of language nature.Under these theories language-teaching develops into a deductive way.Teachers introduce language rules into their classrooms.CCL can be seen as the combination of ALM and the healthy aspects of grammar.
  When time goes in to the 1970s,the dominant method is still ALM.However,many scholars and language teachers establish their own methods of teaching.We call it the “Designer” time of the Spirited 1970s.They are as follows:1.Total Physical Response.It is a speech and action language teaching method attempting to teach foreign language through physical activity.2.The Silent Way requires teachers keep silent as much as possible but the learners are encouraged to speak.3.Community Language Learning is an approach in which students work together to develop materials.The teacher acts as a counselor,while the learner acts as a collaborator.4.Suggestopedia is a specific set for learning recommendations derived from Suggestology,which Lozanov describes as a ‘science… concerned with the systematic study of the nonrational and/or nonconscious influence’ that human study are constantly responding to.Suggestopedia tries to harness these influences and redirect them so as to optimize learning.5.The natural approach express the idea that learners would benefit from delaying production until speech “emerges”,that learners should be as relaxed as possible in the classroom,and that a great deal of communication and “acquisition” should take place,as opposed to analysis.
  [1]Brown,H.D.(2008).Teaching by principles:An integrative approach to language pedagogy.(3rd ed).New York:Pearson Longman.
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