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材料解析题是一种提供材料(史料),设计新情境、新问题,让考生进行分析、提炼、论证后得出结论,有效地考查考生的阅读、理解、分析、综合、概括能力的题型。材料解析题具有材料来源广、信息容量大、设问角度多、能力层次高、考查功能强的特点。要解答好材料解析题,必须掌握适当的解题技术、技巧。解答材料解析题应从以下几方面入手。(一)审题审题要处理好审材料、审材料与课本的关系和审题问三个方面的关系。1.审材料。考生解答材料解析题首先接触的是试题出示的材料,因此阅读、理解材料是解答材料解析题的前提。审材料一般分三步进行。第一步,粗读材料。粗读的目的是要迅速弄清材料所涉及的历史事件及其相关的时间、地点、历史人物等基本要素,了解材料的大意。第二步,精读材料。字斟句酌,通晓全文:首先关注材料的介绍、说明、按语和出典,期望从它们透露出的蛛丝马迹中有所收获;其次对材料提供的信息进 The material analysis question is a kind of providing material (historical materials), designing new situations and new problems, allowing the examinees to analyze, refine, and demonstrate the conclusions, and effectively examine the candidates’ reading, understanding, analysis, synthesis, and general ability questions. . The material analysis question has the characteristics of wide material source, large information capacity, multiple perspectives, high level of competence, and strong examination function. To solve a good material analysis problem, you must master the appropriate problem-solving techniques and skills. The solution to the problem of material analysis should start with the following aspects. (1) The relationship between the examination materials, the examination of materials and textbooks, and the questioning of the examination questions shall be handled in three aspects. 1. Review material. Candidates to answer the material analysis questions first contact the materials presented by the questions, so reading, understanding materials is the prerequisite for solving the material analysis questions. The review material is generally divided into three steps. The first step is to roughly read the material. The purpose of rough reading is to quickly understand the basic events involved in the material events and their related time, place, historical figures and other basic elements, to understand the general idea of ​​the material. The second step, intensive reading of materials. Words and phrases are appropriate, and they speak the full text: First, they pay attention to the introduction, explanation, idioms, and codes of materials. They expect to gain from the clues they reveal, and secondly, the information they provide.
季风和中纬西风是影响亚欧大陆东岸天气和气候的两种重要的大气环流形式。可是人们在谈论东亚天气和气候时 ,多只着眼于季风环流而不谈西风环流 ,其实中纬西风对东亚天气和气
一、选择题(本题共6小题,每小题5分,满分30分)1.设a、b、c的平均数为M,a、b的平均数为N,N、c的平均数为P.若abc,则M与P的大小关系是(  ).A.M=P B.MP C.MP D.不确定2.某人骑车沿直线旅行,先前进了a
课堂教学是学生获取知识、养成能力、提高素质的主渠道。如何优化课堂教学结构 ,充分发挥课堂教学在学生学习过程中的作用 ,成为当前语文教学亟待解决的问题。传统的教育理论