Mutation analysis of PAX6 gene in a large Chinese family with aniridia

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxdong2009
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Background Mutations in PAX6 gene have been shown to be the genetic cause of aniridia, which is a severe panocular eye disease characterised by iris hypoplasia. However, there is no study to do genetic analysis of aniridia, although there are several case reports in China. Here, we describe a mutation analysis of PAX6 in a large Chinese family with aniridia. Methods Genomic DNA from venous blood samples was prepared. Haplotype analysis was performed with two genetic markers (D11S904 and D11S935). Fourteen exons of the PAX6 gene were amplified from genomic DNA. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products of each exon were analysed by single strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP). The PCR products having an abnormal pattern were sequenced to confirm the mutation.Results Significant evidence for allele sharing in affected patients was detected suggesting that PAX6 mutation links to aniridia in this family. An extra band corresponding to exon 9 in PAX6 was found by single strand conformational polymorphism analysis in all the aniridia patients in this family, but not detected in the unaffected members. A mutation of C to T was detected by sequencing at the nucleotide 1080 that converts the Arg codon (CGA) to the termination codon (TGA).Conclusions Aniridia is caused by a nonsense mutation of PAX6 gene in the large Chinese kindred. Genetic test is important to prevent the transmission of aniridia to their offsprings in the kindred by prenatal diagnosis. Background Mutations in PAX6 gene have been shown to be the genetic cause of aniridia, which is a severe panocular eye disease characterised by iris hypoplasia. However, there is no study to do genetic analysis of aniridia, although there are several case reports in China. Here, we describe a mutation analysis of PAX6 in a large Chinese family with aniridia. Methods Genomic DNA from venous blood samples was prepared. Haplotype analysis was performed with two genetic markers (D11S904 and D11S935). Fourteen exons of the PAX6 genes were amplified from genomic DNA. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products of each exon were analysed by single strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP). The PCR products have an abnormal pattern sequenced to confirm the mutation. Results Significant evidence for allele sharing in affected patients was detected suggesting that PAX6 mutation links to aniridia in this family. An extra band corresponding to exon 9 in PAX6 was found by single strand confor A mutation of C to T was detected by sequencing at the nucleotide 1080 that converts the Arg codon (CGA) to the termination codon (TGA). Conclusions Aniridia is caused by a nonsense mutation of PAX6 gene in the large Chinese kindred. Genetic test is important to prevent the transmission of aniridia to their offsprings in the kindred by prenatal diagnosis.
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徐镜心,又名文衡,字子鉴,1873年出生于黄县(今龙口市)黄山馆镇后徐家村。1903年东渡日本学习法律。1905年8月20日与孙中山、黄兴等在东京创立中 Xu Jingxin, also known as