Capital Management in Enterprises

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  Department of Finance, Air Force Logistics College, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China
  Abstract. The whole process of the capital management through economic activities, to achieve value-added and efficiency in the flow and turnover. We should strengthen the management of funds, ensure the safety of the funds, the weak link of the fund internal control, it shall timely take measures, to correct and improve. This paper discusses the problems existing in the management of funds, and put forward corresponding countermeasures.
  Keywords: Financial Management, Problems, Countermeasures
  1. Some problems in the funds management
  1.1 The internal management system is not strict, resulting in precipitation of funds
  1.1.1 Sales of lax management.
  Some enterprises due to the production and sales as the main performance indexes, for the pursuit of sales, often have no choice but to expand the scope of sales. Especially in product unsalable, through various channels to rely on payment of arrears or even the survival of enterprises, credit products, although such goods sold out, but could not collect, the formation of bad debts.
  1.1.2 Blind purchase funds resulting in vivo precipitation
  Because of unreasonable procurement, the reserve fund to take up too much, some goods procurement competitive enough for years or even decades, thereby increasing the amount of funds of funds occupation of inventory, resulting in vivo precipitation. In addition, nowadays many enterprises due to shortage of funds, appeared in the physical phenomenon of repayment. Some enterprises to these materials, neither auction, nor in accumulated debt, but as a non production used, this is another cause of the capital precipitation.
  1.2 The internal management is not perfect, the relaxation of capital management
  Many enterprises in production and business activities, do not pay attention to management, resulting in the production of consumption, waste capital. The lack of scientific prediction and decision-making in the use of funds. The lack of a scientific system and measures and perfect, many links by experience, by the feeling to the management and decision-making, resulting in the phenomenon of high input, low output, poor economies of scale have emerged many funds use, resulting in ineffective use and waste a large amount of funds. And from the input of funds to recover the funds, the lack of effective coordination mechanisms, resulting in each link of act of one's own free will, mutual convergence difference.   1.3 The method of financial analysis backward
  Due to the lack of necessary financial analysis, enterprises can not know how much the annual net cash flow, but do not know to flow in and out of the distribution of the time, do not know the money will make a big dent in what time, so they did not mention to a reasonable overall arrangement and use of funds, and ultimately affect the enterprises to tap the potential and ability to reduce the production cost the. The first task is to find out the family property of financial analysis, the realization of scientific management, reduce the cost of capital for the formulation of concrete and effective measures. On this basis, help enterprises improve product market positioning, through mass production and the adoption of new technology and other means to reduce the fixed costs per unit of product cost of enterprise.
  1.4 Lack of control, lack of strict supervision
  The owner of the enterprise, parent subsidiary companies, company management layer of each fund activities link exists generally in monitoring adverse and even the existence of the phenomenon of internal control, the unauthorized use of the transfer of funds or misappropriation of corporate assets and other problems. Although the set up some oversight functions, has also developed a variety of supervision system, but due to the necessary information and means of enterprise financial funds supervisor did not grasp the overall situation, so it is difficult to timely and effectively play the role of. A considerable number of enterprises have not formed effective restraint of decision-making mechanism in major investment and so on, alone, out of touch and control the flow of funds. A lot of the parent company is difficult to grasp the change situation of the subsidiary's financial funds, enterprise funds is not enough to rely on a person, borrow new also old to maintain the production and management, financial risk is great.
  2. Some measures of strengthening capital management
  2.1 The preparation of capital plan, strengthen the fund balance
  First of all, in order to ensure the normal operation of production and management, enterprise must put the limited rational allocation of funds, the use of. Secondly, the monthly business departments must to scheduling will be reported monthly payment plan, by order of priority scheduling based on the arrangement of funds, enterprise funds by scheduling will be unified management, from fund dispatcher according to conference discussion results unified arrangements, to ensure the efficient use of funds. Strengthen the accounting and management of funds, is also a good way to strengthen the financial management of enterprises.   2.2 The Positive treatment of precipitation funds, invigorated the stock assets
  The sluggish capital flexibility in the use of it is the enterprise need to solve the problem. The financial sector in the materials and equipment, the various departments of the reserve fund occupancy is too large, the backlog of goods each year more serious problem must be concentrated to a month of investigations, proposed the backlog list, clear processing materials and processing procedures of examination and approval of the backlog, scrap handling or sell currency funds to become, inventory, financial departments have issued stock fund quota for each warehouse, more than or lower part by the interest rates banks rewards and punishment.
  2.3 The establishment of a sound financial management system, and speed up the formation of capital budgeting system
  The company shall establish and perfect the management of funds, in order to solve the problem of incentive and constraint of asymmetry of each department in enterprise management from the financial system, coordinate and guide the departments of the enterprise financial activities to achieve the overall goal. Perfect company funds management system from the aspects of capital safety, control of funds and effective use of funds. The company should focus on the establishment of perfect capital budgeting system project, capital budget system is a kind of control mechanism and the system of the program, is the effective guarantee for the implementation of centralized management of funds, is an important guarantee for the company business activities orderly. The company's business activities in all of the revenue and expenditure of funds are inclusive of budget management strict, with capital as the link, the implementation of classification of budget management. From the development phase of a project to make the initial budget, the overall stage to compile the project implementation of this program funds budget, and reported to the company for approval and implementation; the company on the basis of each project funds budget of company whole capital budget, capital budget and rolling of the year, which month or quarter of the funding plan, in order to achieve effective control of financial risks, improve the efficiency of capital used.
  2.4 Do the analysis work, strengthen the management of capital
  The financial analysis of enterprises future situation can help managers more according to the prediction of enterprises. Enterprise financial personnel to analyse and evaluate various items in the economic indicators for enterprises, combined with the actual situation in the enterprise to carry on the comprehensive analysis and evaluation, can make the enterprise management information to obtain the effective feedback, so as to make the enterprise management through financial analysis and summary of the experiences and lessons, and make the right, to predict the future of the enterprise the production and business operation activities, the enterprise should through scientific analysis and prediction, to raise money to spend and combined effectively, keep the rational allocation structure, which comprises a fixed funds and capital structure, reserve funds and capital structure, capital and production inventory quick assets structure. At the same time, to determine the structure of the planned amount of funds, and its decomposition to the relevant units, to consumption and take up with the minimum capital, achieve maximum capital gains.   2.5 Enhanced financial concentrated supervision consciousness, prevent the uneven distribution of funds
  The enterprise fund management is to keep the funds safety, profitability and liquidity, must take the enterprise all funds centralized planning management modest, especially group enterprise, so as to ensure the safety of funds, give full play to the synergy of funds, rational allocation of funds, to obtain more income. Enterprises can establish the fund Dispatching Center for centralized management of funds of enterprises, make enterprises other functional departments and the flow of funds all in monitoring of enterprise wide, so largely prevent employees had embezzled funds of enterprises, ensure the safety of the funds of funds at the same time, make enterprise benefit maximization. In addition, funds management enterprise concentration can also optimize the allocation of funds mechanism, the funds reasonable allocation in liquidity and long-term funds, financial investment and business investment scope, existing in distribution to prevent the enterprise fund for decentralized management leads to the phenomenon of uneven.
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