1996年以来,面对激烈的市场竞争,洛阳春都集团公司审时度势,确立以经济效益为中心,以市场为导向,以营销为龙头的指导思想,外抓市场,内抓管理,积极培育新的经济增长点,深入开展“转机制、抓管理、练内功、增效益”活动,经济效益再上新台阶。截止九月底,该集团公司已生产火腿肠102 754吨,比去年同期增长32.3%,为历史同期最高水平。完成工业总产值14.83亿元,
Since 1996, in the face of fierce market competition, Luoyang Chundu Group has been reviewing the situation, establishing the guiding ideology of taking economic efficiency as the center, market as the guide, and marketing as the leader. It has grasped the market externally, grasped management internally, and actively cultivated new ones. With regard to economic growth, in-depth activities such as “turning mechanisms, grasping management, training internal strength, and increasing profits” will be carried out, and economic efficiency will be further elevated. By the end of September, the group’s company had produced 102,754 tons of ham sausages, an increase of 32.3% over the same period of last year, which was the highest level in the same period in history. The total industrial output value of 1.483 billion yuan was completed.