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在当今日、美、德三分天下的汽车市场上,曾经享誉欧洲的英国汽车几近销声匿迹,在量产车领域,孱弱的英国汽车工业甚至无法与瑞典以及意大利相提并论。然而,贵族永远是贵族,他们并不会因为深居简出于深山古堡而抹煞了世代的骄傲,他们一脉相传的血统也不会因为强大外来者的觊觎而失去纯洁。于是,我们甚至可以不理会劳斯莱斯品牌到底属于德国人还是美国人,而仅仅记住那个银色小天使的英伦血脉。而当上汽将破产的罗孚收购,并为原型车ROVER75起了个中国名字——荣威之后,英国绅士的贵族血统又一次在中国得到了混搭。 In today’s automobile market where the United States and Germany are one-third of the world, the British cars that once enjoyed a reputation in Europe almost disappeared. In the field of mass production cars, the weak British auto industry can not even be compared with Sweden and Italy. However, the aristocrats will always be nobility. They will not negate the pride of generations because they are simply evolved out of the aristocratic castle, and their bloodline will not be deprived of purity by the strong foreigners. So, we can even ignore the Rolls-Royce brand in the end belong to the German or the Americans, but only remember that silver angels British blood. After the acquisition of Rover, the bankruptcy of SAIC, and the launch of Rover 75, a Chinese name for prototype car Rover, the aristocratic descent of British gentlemen was once again mashuped in China.
今年是中国共产党建立80周年,为纪念这个伟大的日子,本刊与武汉市城建工委特共同推出专栏——“三个代表”的实践者 This year marks the 80th anniversary of the founding
It'snotodisruptandfallfromthefilamenttocontaminateforthemassspectrometer,environmentandoperatorbyelectroplatingsomequantitiesof It’snotodisruptandfallfromthefilamenttocontaminateforthemassspectrometer, environmentandoperatorbyelectroplatingsomequantities
When two mosquitoes meet to mate, each modulates its flight tones such that the female’s 3rd and the male’s 2nd harmonic frequencies are equivalent. We show t
他们是“7秒钟营销定律”的践行者,他们是特立独行的一群体,他们是传统消费观念的挑战人.近日,中国汽车工业协会发布了2006年汽车产销统计,车主平均年龄达到新低 They are