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陈皮在药材商品中分为广陈皮与陈皮两类,二者均来源于芸香料(Rutaceae)植物橘CitrusreticulataBlanco及其栽培变种的成熟果皮(广陈皮为变种的茶枝柑果皮)。广陈皮和陈皮均有理气健脾、燥湿化痰之功效。从历代医家药用经验上认为以广陈皮品质为优。陈皮始载于《神农本草经》,原 Dried tangerine peel is divided into two types, namely the broad-leaved tangerine peel and the dried tangerine peel, both of which are derived from the mature citrus peel (Citrus reticulata Blanco) of the Rutaceae plant and the cultivated variety of the cultivated variety (Changzhi peel is a variant of the tea-tree mandarin peel). Both Cinnamon and Citrus have the effect of qi and spleen, dampness and phlegm. From the medical experience of physicians in past dynasties, it was considered that the quality of Cinnamon peel was excellent. Tangerine was first published in the “Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing”, original
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黑皱金龟Trematodes tenebrioides Pallas又名无后翅金龟,在咸阳地区普遍发生,以永寿、乾县、礼泉等县北部半山、半塬区发生较重,占蛴螬类的33.3—75.0%。成虫取食多种作物叶
七星瓢虫(Coccimella Septempunctata L.)是棉蚜的重要天敌.为了摸清七星瓢虫的滞育越夏情况,1978—1979年对七星瓢虫在泰山越夏规律进行了初步调查,现将结果初报如下.一、
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山茱萸 Corunus officinalis Sieb et Zucc,通常称石枣子、山萸肉、枣皮、药枣,系落叶小乔木。果肉经炮制供药用,系收敛强壮药。始载于《神农本草经》。据《本草纲目》列为
为了查明褐稻虱Nilaparvata lugens Stl在我县的越冬虫源,我站在原有工作的基础上,又于1979年1月7—22日和1981年6月,在四县八区境内采集了不同种类杂草20多斤,扩大调查和饲