
来源 :河北农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Yhead705
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该品系是以夏麦为母本,7859为父本杂交选育而成的。我们引种试验认为:该品种不仅可以秋播获得优质高产,而且又能春播、夏播,不经低温也可开花结果,属一种特殊的小麦品种类型,在我国不同生态麦区均可正常生长。 特征特性:叶色先淡后浓,叶片先窄后宽,叶片半披,成穗高。秆粗而矮,株高60—80厘米。春季生长迅速,穗子柱型,穗下节短。白粒、白壳,长芒,穗层整齐,中熟偏早,灌浆快。穗粒数40,千粒重55克,该品种抗病性强,高抗条锈病、赤霉病,后期叶面干净,光合势强,在不利气候条件下,抗病性更加突出,增产明显。 产量表现及栽培要点:在1992—1993年预试的 The strain is based on the summer maize as the female parent, 7859 as the male parent breeding selected. We introduced the experiment that: the varieties can not only be high-yielding autumn planting, but also sowing, summer sowing, without the cold can also be the result of flowering, is a special type of wheat varieties in different ecological wheat growing in China can be normal . Characteristics: leaf color first thick after the thick, narrow first blade after wide, half leaf blade, into a high ear. Stalk coarse and short, height 60-80 cm. Rapid growth in spring, ear column type, spike next section short. White tablets, white shell, Changmang, spike neat, cooked in the early, fast filling. Spike grain number 40, 1000 grain weight 55 grams, the variety of disease resistance, resistance to stripe rust, scab, leaf late clean, strong photosynthesis, in unfavorable weather conditions, the disease resistance more prominent yield increase significantly. Yield performance and cultivation points: Pre-test in 1992-1993
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