通过量化研究可以得出以下结论 :二十世纪中国学人翻译了三万一千八百八十五册外国文学作品和一千五百八十册外国的文学研究著作,出版了二千三百九十一册本国人研究外国文学的著作,三者在六大洲的平均分布比例为:欧洲69.85%、北美洲14.69%、亚洲13.31%、拉丁美洲1.23%、非洲0.37%、大洋洲0.50%;三类著作之和最多的前十个国家为苏联、美国、英国、法国、俄国、日本、德国、意大利、印度、西班牙;最受欢迎的十位作家为托尔斯泰、高尔基、莎士比亚、屠格涅夫、狄更斯、巴尔扎克、柯南道尔、安徒生、契诃夫、凡尔纳;人们最喜爱的十部著作为《天方夜谭》、《战争与和平》、《鲁滨孙漂流记》、《安娜·卡列尼娜》、《悲惨世界》、《茶花女遗事》、《钢铁是怎样炼成的》、《堂吉诃德》、《简爱》、《基督山伯爵》。
Through quantitative research, we can draw the following conclusions: In the twentieth century, Chinese scholars translated thirty-one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five foreign literature works and fifteen hundred and eighty foreign literary studies and published two thousand three hundred Ninety-one books on the study of foreign literature by the natives are distributed on an average of 69.85% in Europe, 14.69% in North America, 13.31% in Asia, 1.23% in Latin America, 0.37% in Africa and 0.50% in Oceania; The top ten countries in the category of writings are the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain, France, Russia, Japan, Germany, Italy, India and Spain; the most popular ten writers are Tolstoy, Gorky, Shakespeare, Neff, Dickens, Balzac, Conan Doyle, Hans Christian Andersen, Chekhov, Verne; Ten favorite people as “fantasy”, “war and peace”, “Robinson Crusoe” , “Anna Karenina”, “Les Miserables”, “La Traviata”, “How the steel is made”, “Don Quixote”, “Jane Eyre”, “Earl of Monte Cristo”.