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“做你做得最好的,其余的让别人去做。”外包,简单地说,就是把生产经营活动中的某些环节交给其他厂商协作完成。在全球经济一体化的今天,企业分工大多以这种项目外包的形式出现。 国际项目外包市场从1998年开始起步,当时只有几亿美元的市场规模,到2000年就扩大到1万亿美元,2001年扩大到了4万亿美元,占全球商务活动总额的14%,预计今年将达到5.1万亿美元。同时,这一市场正在以每年约20%的速度不断增长,预计2010年将达到20万亿美元的市场规模,这对正在走向国际的中国企业来说,无疑充满着巨大的诱惑。 目前,部分国内外电信企业已经在信息技术外包中积累了一些经验,并取得了一定成效,但是,外包对于大多数国内电信企业来说,还是一种陌生的方式。那么,电信企业在信息技术的外包过程中,应该选择谁、以何种方式进行外包?对外包中的各种关系应如何进 “Do what you do best and others let others do it.” Outsourcing, simply put, links some aspects of production and business activities to other vendors. In today’s global economic integration, most of the division of labor appears in the form of outsourcing of such projects. The international project outsourcing market started from 1998 when the market size of only a few hundred million dollars was expanded to 1 trillion U.S. dollars in 2000 and 4 trillion U.S. dollars in 2001, accounting for 14% of the total global business activities. It is estimated that this year Will reach 5.1 trillion US dollars. At the same time, this market is growing at an annual rate of about 20%. It is estimated that the market will reach 20 trillion U.S. dollars in 2010, which undoubtedly is full of temptations for Chinese enterprises going abroad. At present, some domestic and foreign telecom companies have accumulated some experience in information technology outsourcing and have achieved some success. However, outsourcing is still a strange way for most domestic telecom companies. So, telecommunications companies in the information technology outsourcing process, who should choose and in what way outsourcing? How to deal with the various relationships in the outsourcing
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