牛蛙原产于北美洲,属于两栖类动物,是一种大型食用蛙,具有肉质细嫩,味道鲜美、营养丰富、利用率高等优良特点。我国在50年代末从古巴引进。近年来,随着人民生活水平的提高和对高蛋白的追求,在福建、海南、广东、广西、湖南等省、区掀起了养殖牛蛙的热潮。旧的传统观念认为牛蛙只有在野外修建水泥池(或土池)和围墙才能饲养。1992年笔者开展了网箱养蛙的试验,收到了很好的生产效果和经济效益,现将试验情况总结如下: 1.试验材料与条件:试验网箱3只,每只规格为20m~2(即5×4×2),选择35目的乙烯筛绢网布织成。网箱设置在一口便于管理,水深2.5m、水源充足、无污染、阳光充足,面积为14亩的池塘中,网架规格为5.3×4.3,材料全部选用新鲜竹尾。将安有纲绳和吊绳的网箱分别固定在每个网架上,网箱浸入水中的深度
Bullfrog originated in North America, is an amphibian, is a large edible frog, with delicate meat, delicious, nutritious, high utilization and excellent features. My country was introduced from Cuba in the late 1950s. In recent years, with the improvement of people’s living standards and the pursuit of high-protein, the upsurge of breeding bullfrogs has been set off in Fujian, Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Hunan provinces and autonomous regions. The old tradition holds that bullfrogs can only be kept in the field if they are built with cement pools (or soil pools) and fences. In 1992, the author carried out the trial of cage raising frogs and received good production results and economic benefits. The test conditions are summarized as follows: 1. Test Materials and Conditions: Three experimental cages, each with a size of 20m ~ 2 (That is, 5 × 4 × 2), select 35 mesh ethylene mesh cloth made of silk. Cage set in a convenient management, water depth 2.5m, adequate water, pollution-free, sunny, an area of 14 acres of ponds, grid frame size 5.3 × 4.3, all the material selected bamboo tail. Will be fixed to the rope and sling cages were fixed on each grid, the depth of the cage immersed in water