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“自由与平等”是法国大革命的一个基本原则。大革命中受新的人权思想的影响,妇女作为一个整体出现在历史舞台上。在近年的研究中,从属与自由,男性与女性,家庭与国家,传统秩序与革命原则等相应概念常常被归结在“私人空间”和“公共领域”这一结构中讨论。以家事法庭为代表的革命立法机构试图打破旧制度下传统的社会结构,但客观上却促进了妇女对自身地位和权益的反思,启蒙了妇女的女权意识。同样,大革命的政治舞台也为妇女进入公共领域创造了条件,促成了妇女的革命实践和女权思想的产生,为日后女权运动的发展奠定了基础。另一方面,立法改革的稍纵即逝,荒谬的公民划分,“女公民”称号的授予与实权的限令,“共和母性”的道德约束,都将大革命的原则大打折扣。革命资产阶级的理想在现实政治中不过是一场“自由与平等的幻梦”。 “Freedom and Equality ” is a basic principle of the French Revolution. Influenced by the new human rights thought in the Great Revolution, women appeared as a whole on the stage of history. In recent years, corresponding concepts such as dependency and freedom, men and women, family and nation, traditional order and revolutionary principles have often been attributed to the structure of “private space” and “public sphere”. The revolutionary legislature, represented by the Family Court, tried to break the traditional social structure under the old system, but objectively promoted women’s reflection on their own status and rights and enlightened women’s awareness of women’s rights. Similarly, the political stage of the Great Revolution created the conditions for women to enter the public sphere, contributed to the women’s revolutionary practice and the feminist thoughts, and laid the foundation for the future development of the feminist movement. On the other hand, the fleeting and absurd citizen classification of legislative reform, the granting of the title of “female citizenship” and the restriction of real power and the moral restraint of “republican motherhood” all greatly reduce the principle of the Great Revolution. The ideal of a revolutionary bourgeoisie is nothing more than a “dream of freedom and equality” in real life politics.
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This was an important day for Alatook,an Eskimo boy.He ate his breakfastquickly.For the first time he was going to hunt seals alone.Because it was a verycold d