,Task planning in robotics:an empirical comparison of PDDL-and ASP-based systems

来源 :信息与电子工程前沿(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kwl9970024
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Robots need task planning algorithms to sequence actions toward accomplishing goals that are impossible through individual actions. Off-the-shelf task planners can be used by intelligent robotics practitioners to solve a variety of planning problems. However, many different planners exist, each with different strengths and weaknesses, and there are no general rules for which planner would be best to apply to a given problem. In this study, we empirically compare the performance of state-of-the-art planners that use either the planning domain description language (PDDL) or answer set programming (ASP) as the underlying action language. PDDL is designed for task planning, and PDDL-based planners are widely used for a variety of planning problems. ASP is designed for knowledge-intensive reasoning, but can also be used to solve task planning problems. Given domain encodings that are as similar as possible, we fi nd that PDDL-based planners perform better on problems with longer solutions, and ASP-based planners are better on tasks with a large number of objects or tasks in which complex reasoning is required to reason about action preconditions and effects. The resulting analysis can inform selection among general-purpose planning systems for particular robot task planning domains.
Similarity measure has long played a critical role and attracted great interest in various areas such as patte recognition and machine perception. Nevertheless,
早在1988年,Kooter博士研究小组就发现在矮牵牛中转入反义的chs(chalcone synthase)基因(编码苯基苯乙烯合成酶),可以抑制花色素的表达.同年,Dr.Grierson博士研究小组也在西