
来源 :Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:posedong
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台湾大学生常被英语课教师要求做课后英文学习,而许多提供给英语为外语学习者的网站会在阅读文章后设计一系列单词练习活动。故本研究目的在探究阅读后,做一到三个练习活动时,学生对单词的投入量与对单词学习情形。有64位中等英语程度之大学生参与,他们被随机分为四组。结果发现显著差异落在第一组(阅读文章:零个投入量)和第四组(阅读文章和三个练习活动:五个投入量)学生间。此发现建议,要达到五个投入量,对英文单词意义的记忆才有明显效果。 Taiwanese college students are often asked to do after-school English learning by English teachers, while many websites that provide English as a foreign language learner will design a series of word practice activities after reading the essay. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the students’ input into words and the learning of words when doing one to three practice activities after reading. There are 64 college students with a medium level of English who are randomly divided into four groups. Significant differences were found among the first group (read article: zero input) and the fourth (read article and three exercise activities: five inputs) students. This finding suggests that to achieve five inputs, the memory of the meaning of English words only have a significant effect.