
来源 :当代法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Xusian
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一、公开制度的形式内涵与实质内涵中外民事诉讼法的发展史表明:司法审判越是专制,诉讼的封闭性越强.反之.司法审判民主性程度越高诉讼开放程度也越高。中世纪无论是教会审判还是世俗审判,都主要采用秘密方式进行,诉讼整个过程基本是封闭的.不仅对社会而且对当事人也保 I. The Connotation and Essence of the Open System The history of the development of civil procedural law in both China and foreign countries shows that the more judicial the authoritarianism is, the more closed the lawsuit is. on the contrary. The higher the degree of democratic judicial trial, the higher the degree of litigation open. The Middle Ages both the trial of the church or the secular trial, are mainly conducted in a secret manner, the whole process of litigation is basically closed. Not only for the community but also for the client
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全国机械工业精神文明建设工作会议确定九五期间机械行业精神文明建设的任务、目标和重点工作,命名了4家文明单位标兵,112家文明单位和8位职工楷模。 The National Conferen
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魏源日:“受光于庭户见一堂,受光于天下照四方。”此诚达者之言。光无二致,那受光者的大小才是光的照耀效果的决定力量。囿于管见,常如河伯自负其大,难免见笑海若;开阔视野,方能广知天下之事,学成以耀家邦。  泱泱华夏,文明已久。地处东亚,号称神州。邻国众多,常有文化之往来;吐故纳新,自有源头之活水。汉皇开边,甘英出使;大唐盛世,万国来朝。及至清朝,闭关锁国,闭目塞听,遂成夜郎。可见,视野开阔之时,我们往
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