China's Oil Giants Hit Hard by Oil Slumps

来源 :China Oil & Gas | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:speee
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Plunging global crude oil prices crimped the 2015earnings of China’s big-three oil companies,according to their annual reports.The net profits of Petro China,China’s top oil and gas company by production at home,shrank 66.9 percent to 35.52 billion yuan in 2015,the lowest profit since 1999.Sinopec Corp.,the country’s the largest oil refiner,saw its net profit decline 30 percent year on year to 32.4 billion yuan in 2015,the worst year Plunging global crude oil prices crimped the 2015earnings of China’s big-three oil companies, according to their annual reports. The net profits of Petro China, China’s top oil and gas company by production at home, shrank 66.9 percent to 35.52 billion yuan in 2015, the lowest profit since 1999.Sinopec Corp., the country’s largest oil refiner, saw its net profit decline 30 percent year on year to 32.4 billion yuan in 2015, the worst year
近日,由山东胶南琅琊镇与水科院黄海水产研究所、中国海洋大学等院校合作的国家级刺参种质库项目建成并投入使用。 Recently, the State-level Apocynaceae Germplasm Bank,
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随着全球鱼类资源量的锐减,海蜇寿司被认为是未来的海产品。科学家预计,如果不立即采取具体的措施,人们所熟悉和喜爱的真鳕、黑线鳕、鳕、金枪鱼和鲽鱼等将会从菜单中 With