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  Mr. Read made up his mind to devote all he had to _____some schools for poor children.
  A. set up B. setting up C. have set up D. having set up
  该题主要考查动词短语devote...to 的搭配,其中to为介词,后接名词或者动名词,故答案是B。不少学生却受定势思维的影响,认为to 之后应该接动词不定式,而错选A。新编高中英语教材中有不少以介词to 结尾的动词短语,现小结如下:


  以上短语的to 之后不可接不定式,只能接名词或者动名词作宾语。
  Exercise 单项填空
  1. If you feel up to _____ the work all by yourself, I’ll throw my hand in it.
  A. do B. be doing
  C. doing D. have done
  2. This is the attention you should pay _____ your spoken English.
  A. to improve B. to improving
  C. improve D. improvement
  3. These people used to _____ from place to place, but now they have got used to _____ in villages.
  A. travel, live B. traveling, living
  C. travel, living D. traveling, live
  4. Now that you have made up your mind to do it, you must _____ it out .
  A. stick to carry B. stick to having carried
  C. stick to be carried D. stick to carrying
  5. The old man said the accident _____ careless driving. So a lot of money _____ by the driver.
  A. was due to; was due to be paid
  B. due to; was due to being paid
  C. is due to; was due to pay
  D. was due to; is due to be paid
  6. Nowadays many young people are _____ computer games.
  A. addicted to playing B. addicting to playing
  C. addicted to play D. addicting to play
  7. The black woman objected strongly _____ like that.
  A. to treat B. to be treated
  C. treated D. to being treated
  8. He is very sensitive to _____ small, so don’t mention it.
  A. being B. be
  C. have been D. get
  9. They all agreed to put an end _____ out the plan.
  A. to carry B. to make
  C. to making D. to carrying
  10. They have made great contributions to _____ money for the disabled and Hope Project.
  A. collecting B. have collected
  C. collect D. collection
  11. We are so much looking forward to _____ you again.
  A. see B. seeing
  C. seen D. be seen
  12. The professor has got down _____ a history of the Party.
  A. to write B. to writing
  C. to be writing D. writing
  13. He’s given to _____ so we don’t believe him.
  A. boast B. boasted
  C. boasting D. be boasted
  14. It _____ that all the world will pay attention to _____ wildlife.
  A. is hoped; protect B. is hoped; protecting
  C. hopes; protecting D. hopes; protected
  15. The discovery of new evidence led to _____.
  A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief
  C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught
  1—5 CBCDA 6—10 ADADA 11—15 BBCBC
如果看见题目的第一句话是“假设你是李华”,那肯定是要写封信了。好吧,这次咱们的李华写得还是很不错的。总之他知道找个很不错的理由来请假,还知道讨好一下这个Miss Morgan。  假设你是李华,你的美国老师Miss Morgan要求你们明天下午去听一个美国历史的讲座。你因故不能参加。请你根据以下要点,写一封短信向Miss Morgan请假。  1、表示歉意,理由是去机场接人;  2、询问是否有录音
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