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我晚年执迷收藏,孜孜以求,主集门券、站台票,兼集练功券、彩票、烟标、火花、请柬、书签等。20年来,成绩斐然,现拥有门券16000多枚,站台票1500多种,还有相当数量的其他藏品,琳琅满目,美不胜收,成为我老年生活的一笔精神财富,为晚晴添彩增辉。 在整个收藏过程中,从收集——整理——研究——展示各个环节都饱含着苦与乐,苦中有乐,乐中生健。 先谈收集之苦。各种藏品来之不易,门券大抵有四个来源:一是亲自旅游得来,不仅要花去旅游费,还有跋山涉水之劳;二是亲友赠 My later years obsessed with collection, assiduous, the main set of tickets, platform tickets, and set practice vouchers, lottery tickets, cigarettes, sparks, invitations, bookmarks and so on. Over the past 20 years, it has achieved impressive results. Now it has more than 16,000 tickets, more than 1,500 station tickets, and a considerable number of other collections. It is full of beauty and beauty and has become a spiritual asset in my old age. Throughout the collection process, from the collection - finishing - research - show all aspects are full of bitterness and happiness, bitter music, happy health. First talk about the pain of collection. A variety of collections is not easy, tickets probably have four sources: First, come in person, not only spent on travel costs, as well as hell on the water; Second, relatives and friends gifts
  Objective We explored the microstructural change of whole-brain white matter by diffusion tensor imaging in first-episode adults with major depressive disor
目的探讨颌面部小涎腺腺样囊性癌(ACC)的治疗及预后。方法回顾性分析25例颌面部小涎腺ACC的临床资料和随访结果。结果 25例患者均给予手术治疗,随访1~20年,致死因素为局部复
  Background Poor insight and denial of illness are common features of schizophrenia.If lack of insight is driven by culturally sensitive denial it may be rel
  Purpose Since the first-episode of psychosis is known to be a critical period,there has been an increased focus on the first-episode schizophrenia.The purpo
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  Objective In contrast to antipsychotic-induced extrapyramidal side effects,the data are still limited on add-on medications to counteract antipsychotic-indu