
来源 :民航经济与技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:spring2011
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Fog regarded as a kind of disaster weather,constitutes seriously threat for normalization and safety of air transportation. Along with science technology progress and increasingly busy transportation market,carrying out the man - made dissipating fog are more and more paid attention to and placed on the exact agenda’ This essay introduced in details the work scheme of practising man- made dissipating“winter extra-cold fog”test in Beijing Capital International Airport. The content includes the basic principle of man-made dissipating fog, the selection of dissipating fog method, particular work scheme, careful organizing management and should be adopted safety measure’ The success of man- made disspating fog test will provide the foundation of decision for building man-made dissipating fog facilities in Beijing Capital International Airport. Fog regarded as a kind of disaster weather, publications with serious threat for normalization and safety of air transportation. Carrying with the technology for busy and busy busy transportation market, carrying out the man - made dissipating fog are more and more paid attention to and placed on the exact agenda ’This essay introduced in details the work scheme of practicing man- made dissipating winter extra-cold fog "test in Beijing Capital International Airport. The content includes the basic principle of man-made dissipating fog, the selection of dissipating fog method, particular work scheme, careful organizing management and should be adopted safety measure ’The success of man-made dissping fog test will provide the foundation of decision for building man-made dissipating fog facilities in Beijing Capital International Airport.
秤  星星落在秤杆上,表明  一段木头上有了天象,宇宙的秘密  正在人间深处滑动。  所以,大秤称石头,能压坏江山;  小秤称药草,关乎人命。  不大不小的秤,称市井喧嚷里闾口舌……  万物自有斤两,但那些星星  抿着嘴唇。沉默,  像它们独有的发言权。  一杆秤上,星空如迷宫。  若人世乱了,一定是  某个掌秤的人心里先失去了平衡。  秤杆忽高忽低,必有君王轻狂;  秤杆突然上翘,秤砣滑落,则是