Flow Field Around Rushton Turbine in Stirred Tank by Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wain155
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In this paper, particle image velocimetry (PIV) was used to measure the mean and root mean square(RMS) velocity in the stirred tank with six-flat blade Rushton turbine and with no baffles. Two types of motion patterns were studied. One was that the impeller runs at constant speed, the other was that the impeller runs at time-dependent speed and in a periodic way. The emphasis of the paper was on the comparison of mean and RMS velocity vector maps and profiles between these two types of motion patterns, and especial attention was paid to the comparison of the mean velocity, time-averaged RMS velocity, phase averaged RMS velocity between the constant 3 RPS (revolution per second) and time-dependent operation. The Reynolds number was between 763 and 1527. The study explained the mechanism that time-dependent RPS is more efficient for mixing than that of constant RPS. In this paper, particle image velocimetry (PIV) was used to measure the mean and root mean square (RMS) velocity in the stirred tank with six-flat blade Rushton turbine and with no baffles. Two types of motion patterns were studied. One was that the impeller runs at constant speed, the other was that the impeller runs at time-dependent speed and in a periodic way. The emphasis of the paper was on the comparison of mean and RMS velocity vector maps and profiles between these two types of motion patterns, and especial attention was paid to the comparison of the mean velocity, time-averaged RMS velocity, phase averaged RMS velocity between the constant 3 RPS (revolution per second) and time-dependent operation. The Reynolds number was between 763 and 1527. The study explained the mechanism that time-dependent RPS is more efficient for mixing than that of constant RPS.
睑痉挛-口下颌肌张力障碍综合征又称之为Meige综合征或Brueghel综合征。临床上较少见,且常易误诊。现将我院收治的2例报告如下: 例1 女、53岁、干部。入院前2a无明显诱因出
潜川小学是一所实施小班化教学的农村学校,三个校区分散在不同村,每个年级一个班,每班6至22人不等。2013年9月,学校将少先队活动课程以每周一课推进课堂。辅导员们很是苦恼,有的中队只有几个人,上起课来实在缺乏人气和活力。偏远山区的农村小班化学校,到底应该如何实施少先队活动课程?学校开始在中心校区进行尝试,探究适合农村小班化的少先队活动课程的实施策略。  策略一:丰富活动组合形式——聚集人气  根据
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从国道沿着弯弯曲曲忽高忽低的环山路,蜿蜒二十余里,便来到了江西省瑞昌市横港镇凤坪村下李组。这个坐落在连绵起伏的乐山怀抱中的村子,距瑞昌市约五十公里,每天只有早晚两趟班车出入。目前仅有五六户人家,许多有条件的村民都已搬到了县城。在这里,我们见到了本次采访的对象——乐山中心小学四年级的学生,留守女孩罗霏。  罗霏今年十岁,家在河南省罗山县农村。从罗霏一岁起,罗霏的父母就到江苏南京打工,爸爸妈妈都从事着